five // answers

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THE GUY NEXT TO ME eyes me cautiously, before settling into a more comfortable position. I notice something about him, and it's that he doesn't seem as nervous and careful as the other Max, he is much more...relaxed, easy. But, like the other Max, he has this calming aura that makes it easy to be around him. And unlike Luke, he isn't confusing. He chuckles, moistening his lips before speaking softly. "Ask away."

I release a definitive blow of air from my lungs, and begin to ask him my long list of questions. "Why did Luke call you Max?" It's a stupid question, but it needs answering. I can only be hopeful that he is willing enough to clarify it fully. However, his expression shows that he knew my question before I even asked it.

"Because that's who I am," he says, pausing for a few seconds before continuing. "Well, formally my name is Maxímas Darciàc, but in this day and age, I am known as Max." Okay, I didn't ask for a full autobiography, a simple answer would've sufficed.

"And have we...did we meet?" I know for a fact that we have, because my question silenced him, meaning he won't answer because I already know. "Okay, wow." Suddenly, the air stirs around me and I begin to feel light-headed. But that's mainly because confusion and fear hits me like a bullet, because even though I was expecting it...I wasn't. How could he change his appearance so quickly, yet not look anything like his former self? I know cosmetic surgery works wonders, but it doesn't happen that quickly. So many questions, it will take a life time to have them answered.

Sensing my emotions, Max plants a supportive hand on my shoulder. I shrug it off, not wanting an alien touching me. "Don't be afraid, I'm going to explain everything." I nod, willing him to go on. "I am many things, but surprisingly, I am not human." I shuffle away from him, no longer feeling comfortable in his presence. Given, I did have some sort of inclination that he wasn't human, but hearing the words come from his own lips is a completely different thing. After all, if he's not Luke? "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm here for your own protection," he assures, but that just freaks me out even more. What's he protecting me from? "You see, I am what they call a shifter, I can change my form whenever I please, which is why I appear different to when we were first introduced."

"Not that I don't believe you or anything, but this is ridiculous," I admit, telling myself that he is pranking me or something. I mean, come on, the fact that he can change his appearance is just ridiculous. Yet, there's no other explanation.

"That it may be, but it is not unbelievable. Granted, I would show you, but I think that I will spare you the horror of witnessing me shedding my skin," he says as if he's helping me, but I just shiver uncontrollably due to the thought of peeling skin. "Our transition is much like a werewolf's, it is passed down from generation to generation, creating a clan of shifting legends who only exist because of of one reason." He motions towards me, something that I did not see coming. Me? What did I have to do with crazy, changing faces people? Wait...werewolves are real?


"Yes, you."

I raise an eyebrow. "Why me? Why am I so special?"

Max chuckles again. "That, I cannot tell you, you must find that out in your own time. What I can tell you though, is that I, along with many others, have spent centuries searching for you." Okay, I'm officially weirded out. But I have more questions.

"You said that you were protecting me...from what?" I'm terrified that he'll say Luke, because that will literally tear me apart. If his intention is to hurt me or kill me, the chances of me stopping him are slim. I'm so attached to him that I won't mind him murdering me, which is the scary thing.

Max falls silent, raising an eyebrow thoughtfully. Hold up...does he not know himself? Well, that's comforting. "There are beings out there who would gladly capture you and lock you in a chamber, so that they could use you and your magnificent gifts in the Race." What? Gifts? Is he for real? "Every five hundred years, there is what we call a Race. It is when clans of different species all fight against each other in search for dominance. You have a choice, however. You can either join us - the shifters - or the other miserable creatures."

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