Found Morals And Found Fairies

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Song for the chapter: Angele- La Thune

Something was nuzzling against my stomach, purring. Squinting, I saw Velvet pushing into my stomach.

"Hey, girl." I cooed while petting her, dazed.

My head was heavy making me think I slept too long. I looked around for the clock.


I slept too long!

I dropped back into bed, holding Velvet. Well, its too late to start the day now, might as well just let the day pass.

"hehe." I giggled.

Quickly looking around the room, I noticed Jason wasn't here. That's why I woke late, he usually wakes me. That also reminds me... Demons? Has Jason dealt with them this passed week I was in the hospital?

Laying in bed, I rolled around, stretching. After using the bathroom, I saw a note on my desk.


'This is the make up work. Hurry up and finish.'


Mom wasn't kidding when she said she got the work. We'll it looks like teachers took mercy on me. Its only a few worksheets and book work.

Its better I get started on this now then later. Sitting down at my desk, I played my music to help me get through it.

I had just finished half my work, when I heard one of the cats...


I turned around to see Jason laying in bed with Luna.

Embarrassment hit me like a brick, whipping around to finish my work. Nervously writing nonsense to deal with the awkwardness.

I couldn't face him! There is no way. I'm mortified at how I acted yesterday, bratty, petty, so stupid. Thinking back to last night, I definitely need to re-evaluate my life a little...

The thought of me trying to persuade Jason, an angel, to have sex with me-ohhhhhhhh my goshhhhh!

I dropped my head into my book, whining and stomping my feet, upset with myself.

How could I be so stuppiddd?!!?

The fact he saw my body...


The fact I acted like a hormonal teenager....


The fact that I was rejected by him....


The fact I started whinning for him to keep going...


There's so much more, everything was so embarrassing! I can't believe I made him so mad enough to take me to some frozen forest.  I even rubbed my cu-


I jumped, flinching at the sound next to me. Jason had slammed his hands on the desk. Shaking everything, trapping me once again.

"I see you have your morals back." Jason hissed.

I frowned, feeling even worse than before. Pleasure really just makes you do crazy things.

I couldn't talk, I couldn't move, I'm just so mortified.

"What happen yesterday will not happen again, do you understand?" I stiffly nodded. "Neither of us will mention it after today. It never happened, do you understand?" He threatened me through clenched teeth. I quietly winced, nodding again.

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