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Song for the chapter: Billie Eilish- When the party's over


"You're only getting worse. I don't know what to do." Jason sighed. "You just cry every time I show you places you've saved, people you've saved. All you do is cry," He mumbled to himself. From my position in between his legs, I leaned down, laying on his torso to sleep. Wind gently blew, making me pull down my sleeves. "and sleep." He groaned. The sun warmed my skin, making me feel relaxed. "Babygirl," He petted my hair, "How do I get the rest of your personality back? You have no motivation to do anything. I can't keep doing everything for you."

I began to hum a song I recently heard. It was a sweet lullaby that was just stuck in my head. It's been in my head nonstop. 

"Serenity." He sighed, dropping back to lie on the grass. I shifted, laying next to him.

With Jason being an angel, he naturally has the ability to bring peace to people. So in order to keep my mind from blowing up, I stay glued to him, not wanting to think or cry.

"What can I do?" He sighed. He looked down at me, wanting to see the real version of me. I shrugged, hiding my face in his arm.

He kissed my forehead, calmness spreading into my body. I smiled.

"I wanna know..." I sang softly, humming the rest of the lyrics.

"Babygirl?" He asked, rolling on top of me. Getting on his hands and knees to stay above me. "What do you want? Whats something you'd love to see? Something important to you. I'll take you there, I'll get it for you. Just tell me what can help you." He dropped his head on top of mine.

"I don't know..." He groaned, closing his eyes.

I closed my eyes, turning onto my side to sleep, humming the song softly.

"Serenity." He groaned, "Talk to me." I continued to hum. "Your parents are home, lets go."

"Luna, Velvet." Jason called, telling them to comfort me as he laid me on the bed.

"Why are you leaving? Where are you going?" I need him to stay. Jason helps me stay in control.

"If I can't help you mentally, maybe actual medicine will help you. Just sleep, you like sleep." He covered me with my blankets. Turning off my lights. "One hour, only one hour and I'll be back. You won't even notice." 

I woke to soft murmuring and it wasn't Jason unfortunately. I rubbed my eyes, staying still to listen.

"I think she's depressed." That's dad.

"No, Serenity? She would've... I don't know. She would've let us know. She knows to confide in us if there's a problem. We both know school breaks are just to lounge around anyway." There was a worry in mom's voice.

"Think about it, she's just been sleeping. Last year, either Lexi was here 24/7 or Serenity was over with her 24/7."

"You really think she could be depressed?"

"I'm not sure. When you were depressed all you did was sleep and it's not like you told your parents about it, you only told me. Same thing when I got depressed."

"You're right. The last thing I wanted to do was tell my parents..."

"What do you think it could be?" My dad asked.

"No idea. We should give her some space, we'll only irritate her more by questioning her."

Oh, my parents...

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