Chapter eight

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I groan as I look to all the clothes I have to fold. Sam and Dean have been gone for a week now. Dean would not talk to me and barely said anything to Daxton. I hear a knock on the door gaining my attention. I look to see Bobby holding Daxton, and they are both grinning at me.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Daddy come home!" Daxton shouts. I just nod my head looking back to the clothes.

"Okay, hey Dax can you clean up your toys by the bed." I tell him. I hear his little feet hit the ground before he runs to the other side of the bed. I hear Bobby walk my way, but I ignore it as I start to fold some shirts.

"Elle, what's going on?" He asks sitting on the bed.

"Nothing," I sigh putting the folded shirt in the folded pile.

"Elle, talk to me." He presses.

"Something happened between Dean and I." I shrug my shoulders. "I was looking at houses close by too, and found one I like. I just can't go look at it because you all still won't let me leave the house." I sigh. I keep folding to distract myself from everything around me and that is running through my mind.

"You really want to move?" I look to Bobby seeing the slight hurt in his eyes. Daxton comes running around to me grinning, and I pick him up. He sits on my lap with his stuffed animal squirrel.

"Dean doesn't want us around anymore, and I don't want to be a problem for any of you." The words leave my mouth easily.

"Elle, that is not true. You bring life into this house I never thought I'd be able to get back." I give him a small smile.

"Dax needs his own room, and friends. I'd love to stay here, but I'm just thinking about Dax. Not to mention I really don't think I'll be able to be in the same room as Dean."

"I get that, but if you are looking out for him doesn't that mean letting him be with his father."

"He doesn't want him." I look down to see Dax has fallen asleep resting his head on my chest.

"Says who?"

"You saw how he was before he left. I just want to be gone before they get back. I don't want Dax to grow too attached." Bobby sighs before closing his eyes muttering something. Suddenly Cass appears making me jump. His eyes narrow on me making me gulp.

"Can you check out a house for Elle, and help her move in?" Bobby asks. That seems to be good news to Cass as his gaze softens on me. He then looks to Bobby with his serious face still on. "Elle give him the address, and he'll check it out then get it for you."

"Wait I'm not going to see it first?"

"I will make sure it is in perfect condition." Cass says. I sigh nodding my head knowing this is the only way. I stand up before putting Daxton down carefully where I sat. I lay him down as he still naps. Bobby and Cass discuss some things as I grab my laptop.

Unlocking it the screen automatically goes to the house I was looking at. I show Cass the house with the address and he disappears. I smile closing my laptop before looking to Bobby, who watches me carefully. I raise an eyebrow and he just sighs before leaving the room.

"Okay then," I sigh as I start to fold the clothes faster. Soon they are all in neat piles, an I start packing them up. I put the bags on the floor next to the door before I lay on the bed next to Daxton. I look over to him and watch him start to stir in his sleep. His face scrunches before he starts crying, which I bring him to me automatically.

"Its all set." I look to see Cass standing there. I raise an eyebrow at that, which he studies me for. "What?"

"How did you get that all done in such a short amount of time?" I ask as I rock Daxton in my arms. Cass looks to Daxton before frowning and looking to me.

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