Thursday Madness

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The blaring of the alarm rung in Yugi’s ears, as he let out a groan. The start of another school day begun at the buzzing of the alarm; it always did.

Yugi slowly opened his eyes and unravelled himself from his warm bundle of covers that protected him from the harsh cold. Sadly, when he escaped, his body became exposed; even with pyjamas on.

With a shudder, he got up and out of bed – stretching his body up and slowly getting ready for school. Today was one of the odd days in his life where he was actually excited to go to school for once.

For starters, he had made friends with one of the most popular guys in school – that had to be an upside, right? Secondly, he had made friends with the new kid that, so far, had been in every class he was in.

In short, Yugi finally had friends. He finally had people he could depend on, and people that he hoped would depend on him. He was so excited that while he was dressing, Yugi was mentally figuring out how long it would be before he became best friends with Ryou and maybe even Yami.

When Yugi finally realised he was thinking these things, he shook his head and sighed. He was thinking too far ahead; what if they changed their minds and turned their backs on him? That was always a possibility.

Letting out a sigh, and also letting his excitement drain, he walked out of his bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen. His stomach took his mind off of his thoughts by letting out a growl; explaining that he needed to eat.

Upon reaching downstairs, he saw that his Grandpa was already sitting at the table, drinking some coffee.

“Good morning, Yugi.”

“Morning, Grandpa!” Yugi smiled as he took out bread from the bread tin, putting it in the toaster. He decided to wait for it at the counter, so he rested his elbow upon it and stared intently at the toaster.

“That’s not going to make it pop faster, you know,” Solomon chuckled, taking a sip from his cup.

“I know, I’m just hungry...” Yugi admitted, laughing his embarrassment off.

After what seemed like an eternity, the toast finally popped up. Yugi set out a plate and took the toast from the toaster, letting out small hisses as the heat touched his fingers.

He then quickly moved to find the butter from the fridge and he buttered the toast, sitting down at the table while eating it.

“Yugi, is everything alright at school?” Solomon asked suddenly, giving Yugi a dead serious look.

Yugi gulped and nodded, “Yes, Grandpa. I swear – everything’s okay at the moment. Oh! That reminds me. We have a new student in our class.”

“What’s their name?”

“He’s called Ryou Bakura; I made friends with him yesterday. He’s a really nice kid, Grandpa!”

“I’m sure he is, Yugi. You’ll make good friends with him, I bet.”

“I also made another friend yesterday...”


“Remember Yami? When you came to pick me up? ...We’re friends now.”

“Oh the kid that looks like you. Yes, he seemed like a nice fellow,” Solomon winked at Yugi, making him go red and choke on his toast.

“G-Grandpa! It’s not like that!” He spluttered out between coughs.

“I’m just messing with you!”

Yugi began laughing as he finished the last bit of toast, looking at the time. He quickly made a dash for the living room, getting his bag and then fixing his hair. “I’ll see you later, Grandpa!”

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