12- Peas please?

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I'm cooking Alaya, Olivia and me some breakfast while Alaya is in the shower.

I can't believe I'm really a dad, and to the most beautiful baby girl in the world.

Only after a night, Olivia had become my entire world. (Well, Alaya was pretty high up on my list as well). I would do anything for my daughter. I mean, I have to make up for almost 3 years of her life she had missed.

This included getting her mom back.

I wasn't legally divorced to Jenna but I soon would be. I no longer needed her fathers company for money. I had built my own business with enough money to make a better life for my family.

I can't wait to begin my new life with Alaya and Olivia.

Nothing in this world could make me sad or angry knowing I have these two beautiful girls by my side.

Except one thing.

"Where are my girls at?"

Says the guy that tried to claim my girl and my baby.

What even was his name?

T-T-Tucker? Tyler? Trent?

Then it comes to me.

Travis. Fucking Travis.

I already don't like this guy.

He walks into the kitchen without seeing me as I just watch him with a disgusted look on my face.

He walks up to my daughter , picks her up and says,
"Hey Livee, did you miss me?"

I actually felt steam coming of my skin.

"Why don't you put my daughter down so I don't have to punch you in your face?"

I say stepping up to him and gently taking Olivia back and putting her in her chair again.

He jumps at the sound of my voice and his eyes widen

"What the hell are you doing here Asshole?!"He says in an angry tone.

This just pissed me off even more, but I knew my daughter was here and she would not see her father pound this guys face even though I wanted to really fucking badly.

"None of your damn business!" I yell out.

Then he catches me off guard, punching me in the face, knocking me on to the floor.


Alaya says as she runs out in a towel with a panicked look on her face.

She runs over to Olivia and picks her up, holding her tightly to her wet chest.

"What the hell is going on?" She says clearly pissed off.

"What's this douche bag doing here Alaya? I thought you left his sorry ass 3 years ago!" Travis yells out.

"Did you forget I live here too?" He adds on.

I'm still on the floor holding my face. God, this shit hurts like a bitch. Now I know what he felt that day in the restaurant.

"Why would you think it would be okay to bring him here? Did you even think about Olivia?"

I look over to Alaya as something inside of her clicks as he says that. She was about to blow up on him. And I was gonna sit and enjoy every minute of it.

"Who the hell do you think you are Travis? You are not Olivia's dad, Zak is."

She didn't stop there.

"How dare you question me as a mother. Every choice I have made in the last three years was for my daughter!"

"Oh please Alaya, you have made it clear since day one that I wasn't her fucking dad. But who was there right by your side all that time? Not this fucking asshole!"

He takes a deep breath, pointing at me.

"You know what? Screw you! See how long he stays here playing the father figure until he gets bored and goes to find another bitch to fuck"

By the time Travis had finished speaking Alaya's jaw was completely dropped. However, this didn't stop her from slapping the shit out of him. And I, from experience, know she hits harder than any woman I know.

"Don't you ever speak to me again" she spits at him.

He quickly gathered his shit and walked out of the apartment leaving us in a complete silence.


Alaya walked out of the kitchen and came back a minute or two later without Olivia in her arms.

"It's nap time" she says with a fake smile.

She puts out her hands so I can grab them and stand up off the floor.

"Sit" she demands and points her head at a chair.

She makes her way to the freezer and pulls out a frozen bag of peas.

"This should do the trick" she whispers

When she gets to me she puts her finger under my chin and lifts my face up.

"He got you good. That's gonna hurt tomorrow" She says examining my probably bruised face.

She pushes the bag onto my face making me jump from the coldness. Then she carefully sits on my lap and places her head into my neck.

I hear her sniffling a little while later.

"I'm sorry Alaya. I didn't want to get too angry in front of the baby"

"What?" She looks up and I see her red swollen eyes.

"Aren't you crying because you are mad at me?" I say naively.

She surprises me with a kiss on my lips. And chuckles a bit.

"I'm not mad at you Zak"

She says

"I'm sad because I just lost one of my best friends"

This irritates me a little but I don't say anything. She needs me right now and I don't want to hurt her anymore. I know how hard the last few years were for her as a young single mother. I hated to admit it but I owe Travis a lot.

He took care of the love of my life and my daughter because I was too much of an asshole that Alaya couldn't rely on me to raise a child with.

From now on this thought would never cross her head again. I was going to be the best man and father that I could be. She will never be alone again and if having to tolerate that bastard will make her happy then that's what I'll do.
I love this woman more than anything and I am not stupid enough to let her go ever again.

"I love you Alaya. More than anything. I'll do anything to keep that beautiful smile on your face."

"Let's go on a date" I blurt out.

"Umm I don't know Zak"she says hesitantly.

What the actual fuck?

Hey guys!!
Author here. I would love to hear any ideas or predictions you guys have for the future of Zak and Alaya!!! Let me know what you guys think about the story so far. XOXO
see you guys in the next chapter, coming soon.

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