Chapter 10

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Triton came to me and told me that Poseidon knows. "How did he react?"

"Better than I thought he would. He was extremely angry. I thought that I would die with one look. I explained to him what I was doing here, that I wanted to get to know Rhea and that I've come to care for her."


Rhea POV

I just saw my dad on the beach, he is talking to Triton. We are celebrating my birthday today. My mum looks at me nervously but keeps quiet. My dad looks at us, he makes eye contact with my mum, nods,  and then looks at me, after a few seconds he breaks eye contact.

His eyes swirl with a kaleidoscope of colours of the oceans, I can still see them change from this distance.

What are they talking about? I think in suspense.

My mum is fidgeting, "Mom, who is that man talking to Triton? He looks familiar," I ask, knowing the answer but I have to be the curious little kid, so this is me asking.

My mum doesn't really want to answer, I can tell. She changes the subject. "Triton is probably just chatting with a friend, why don't we go get us some more ice cream?" She takes my hand and drags me to the ice-cream stand.

I keep looking back towards Triton and my dad. I have to go talk to him. While my mum is talking to the ice-cream man, I slip away from her quickly and quietly, heading towards them.

"Triton!" I yell out as I approach. Both he and Poseidon looks at me. "Triton, mom is getting ice-cream. Do you want some? Who is your friend? Hi, I'm Rhea."

They stare at me. Geesh, what's with all the staring?

"Hi Rhea, this Parker," Triton responds, stumbling over his words.

"Hi, Mr Parker. I'm Rhea. Would you like some ice-cream as well?" My dad looks ecstatic for a second. I call him Mr Parker because he looks to be around my mum's age, maybe slightly younger.

"Hello, little one. I would love some ice-cream," he replies, which makes me smile.

"I'm not little," I tell him.

"Well seeing as you don't even reach my waist, I can call you little," he says amused to which I reply,

"Well Mr Parker, seeing as you are a giant, anyone will be little in comparison to you."

"Well said little Rhea."

Triton looks slightly nervous, even if he does have a massive grin on his face.

"You have to admit Rhea, you are small for your age and even your grade."

"I am average for my age Triton, I'm seven today. And the reason why I am smaller than those in my grade is that I am two years younger than them."

"Rhea!" My mum yells. She comes towards me with a frustrated look. She and dad share a look. Dad looks amused.

"We were getting ice-cream and the next moment you were gone. Don't do that again" She scolds.

"I was just curious who Triton was talking to. Mum, this is Mr Parker".

"Hello, Mr Parker," My mum says with an amused expression as well.


Time Skip


My dad came to have dinner at the cabin. He and mum were in deep conversation, talking quietly.

Later that night I went to bed. "Night mum, night Mr Parker," I say to them.

Triton left earlier in the night. He said that he had some things he had to do. I'm guessing dad sent him back to Atlantis for the day. Triton has probably let some of his responsibilities slip since he has been spending so much time with me.

"Good night little Rhea," my father says.

"I'm not little".

"Night Rhea," replies my mum.

While they think I am asleep, I'm sitting at the door listening in on their conversation.

"I know you wanted to see her, but it's dangerous. You said it yourself all those years ago. Don't get me wrong Poseidon, I'm glad you're here," my mum says.

He sighs, "I know, but now that Triton knows. It can make it easier for me to visit in secret. She doesn't have to know that I am her father. If my family finds out earlier of her existence, we can pass her off as Triton's daughter. He and I spoke about it and have decided that she will be seen as his daughter until she reaches camp."

Damn, that's weird. But understandable. I will gladly go along with it if I will see my dad more often.

"What about her, will we tell her that you are her father? Will she believe that Triton is hers?" asks my mother. Those are valid questions, I also want to know.

"I want to wait until she gets to know me more before I tell her. To be honest, I don't want her to hate me. She must think that I've abandoned her."

"Oh Poseidon. She won't hate you. She might not be happy once you tell her, but she is a forgiving, understanding child".

"Sally, Triton spoke to me about the man you married. I can sense his disgusting presence around you and Rhea. I don't like it. I can start making preparations for you and Rhea to come stay with me in Atlantis. You will be safe. All you have to do is say 'Yes'.

"Oh, Poseidon. I would love to. But I can't, we can't. What about your wife Amphitrite? She would hate us, you know this. Both Rhea and I would be in danger from her wrath," Poseidon sighs as my mum tells him this.

"She would not dare defy me. She won't touch the two of you."

"But she could make it much more difficult for us to live there. Besides Atlantis is not a place for mortals. I couldn't do it. Maybe Rhea can one day but not me," Sally replies heartbroken.

My heart feels heavy. I wish we could be a proper family.

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