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I'm so sorry Seb had to die guys. I feel like it really puts Danny in a certain mind space in the sequel. Besides, most of my books had happy endings so you guys are spoiled lol. Make sure to check out Finn and Sylvia's story in Contronym and Synonym if you haven't already!

The sun was shinning down on the crowd of graduates wearing in black dresses with Quinnipiac yellow stoles draped backwards over the neck. Myself and my beautifully smart boyfriend wore the purple stoles of the National Honor Society, something that said boyfriend had made sure to rub in his childhood best friends face. In my hand was not only the leather black degree holder we had all been handed as we walked across the stage inside of the hockey and basketball stadium less than an hour ago, but the honorary degree for my best friend.

Sebastian Williams.

The man who died doing what he loved and didn't stop cracking jokes even in the end.

It had only been a month and it still hurt like hell. I didn't want to go out or step on the ice. I didn't want to go to class or talk to anyone giving me pitiful looks. On a day like today I couldn't help but be mad that the sun was shining without him. They kept his seat open at graduation. The sight of his empty chair two rows ahead of me in the medical section devastated me more than I wanted to admit. And at the end, when they called his name and read a small blurb for the student that died, everyone stood and applauded as I accepted his degree for his mother who couldn't be there; turns out he had all his credits and graduated with honors too.

I knew all along he was a fucking genius.

I smiled through the pain as I cried walking up to the stage and back down, Axel and Beck's own eyes watering in the crowd when my eyes met theirs. Zeke was crying too, next to me in the sciences section. He missed his fellow defender. I could almost laugh recalling their jokes about how the defense was the 'black hole' when those two were on the ice.

As sad as I was, I couldn't help but feel happiness today, my pain temporarily stalling. A freeing feeling took over my body as everyone removed their black caps and tossed them in the air with a cheer. I had done it. I went from the barely sixteen year old who didn't know if she would live to see tomorrow to graduating college top of my class and awaiting what was looking to be a promising draft. I caught the black cap, the coarse threads of the fabric brushing against my fingertips as a wide smile graced my face.

The balls of my feet spun on the vibrant green grass as Beck's arm snaked around my small waist, pulling my body to his. I laughed while putting my arms around his neck, his soft lips capturing mine in a short but passionate kiss. I didn't care who saw; at this point enough people had already assumed. Besides, it was fucking graduation. No one cared.

When we pulled apart, Beck's face was painted with the same gleaming, pearl white smile as I was. I loved the way his smile looked on his sharp jaw and strong forehead, his perfect teeth standing out with his sapphire eyes against his caramel skin and jet black hair. "I love it when you smile, Baby," he told me through the noise of celebration surrounding us.

"You make me smile," I responded joyfully, moving my thumb back and forth on his neck. "We did it, Babe. College is over."

"And I can't wait to face the real world with you," Beck murmured back with a bright smile. No matter how complicated my life got, Beck was there to put a smile on my face.

"I love you more than anything, Beckett."

"I would do anything for you, Danielle. I love you." And somehow I knew that was true. Beck was the man who punched someone in the face for insulting me and my family within the first month of meeting me. Beck really would do anything for me, and that was an endearing thought. He was my protection in a world of hurt.

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