Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Titus' POV

Little hands petting my large, shifted form turned out to be more relaxing once Amina explained to James that pulling and petting were not the same thing. I had taken to being shifted more often than not as a sense of impending danger grew bigger and bigger as the days passed. We had prepared as much as possible and now we were playing a waiting game, that was all we could do. The constant search missions returned with no results and shaking down members of the surrounding packs returned with even less. I hated that I was being forced to let him get so close to my territory but until a better opportunity presented itself, I was stuck.


"Steve, lower your voice please."

He paid Amina little attention as he shot off toward Amina's brother Beckham, who he had taken a liking to almost the moment they met.

"Hey kid, listen to your guardian."

He skidded to a stop once he reached his destination, grabbing his inhaler from his pocket and taking a few puffs so that he could catch his breath easier.

"What's a guardian?"

I growled lowly, hoping that Beckham would get the point.

"Uhh, don't worry about it kid."

I let out a low rumble of satisfaction and James looked up at me, that wonderful smile on his face as he reached up and patted me gently on the snout. I gave him a little nudge like I knew he loved, and he fell back into Amina's arms, giggling like mad.

"Y'all are going to give me a cavity with all the sweet shit going on."

"Naughty word! Ya gotta go to the naughty corner."

"Not happening kid. Amina, mom and dad want to see you two, they have something they want to talk about."

Amina picked up James from his place between my paws so that I could shift back.

Amina's POV

"Beckham you have to sit in the naughty corner for swearing, it's the rule and no one is exempt from them."

"Amina I'm a grown ass man."

"No excuses, Titus has had to sit there too and he's the king, so suck it up."

"She's right, it's the rules."

Titus spoke as he took James from my arms, gaining a happy little noise from the boy. I smiled as James clumsily traced the tattoos on Titus' chest. He was quiet for a toddler and was content to sit as close to Titus as he could get which Titus absolutely loved even though he never said it aloud. I knew he had grown attached to both boys but I think he may have seen himself in little James but that didn't lessen his bond with Steve even a little bit.

"What do your parents need?"

Beckham shrugged, never one to be concerned about much of anything as I had noticed in his short time here.

"No idea, they just asked me to relay the message, they're with August and it seems important."

Beckham explained as we walked toward the pack house.


Titus didn't bother knocking as he barged into the office where my parents and Titus father and a red headed woman sat around the conference table. It was the same room where Titus had lost his temper, it looked different now that the mess was cleaned up.

"Dad, what's going on?"

"Son, Amina, we've been doing some talking and trying to figure out a way to keep everyone protected."

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