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🏈 Meeting Subae VIXX 🏈

°°° Everyone logged on °°°

_honayled_ : Im so so so bored ://

_mintchan_ : Im hungry 

_hoeyoung_ : I meeeett Mina today.

_mintchan_ : ........

_yonbix_ : i think someone hack in to this chatroom

_evilchild_ has logged on

_evilchild_ : Why im feeling so old
_evilchild_ : Where the manake ??

_yeoNO_ : Here :))

_Kongmint_ : U not duhhh
_Kongmint_ : Im the manake

_evilchild_ : Come with me to the manake chatroom

_yeoNO_ : ☹☹

_evilchild_ has logged off

_kongmint has logged off_

_mintchan_ : Im hungry

_gyedooeng_ : Then go and eaaat

_Chaleader_ has logged in

_gyedooeng_ : Why people keep break in our group chat

_Chaleader_ : Where that young ass leader ??

_honayled_ : ......

_hoeyoung_ : Yes, you still a baby Donghoen

_yonbix_ : Awwwwww, my ship

_Chaleader_ : As your leader sunbea. I invite u to our leader group chat.

_honayled_ : Ohhh gosh
_honayled_ : I will come then ://

_honayled_ ha logged off

_Chaleader_ has logged off

_hoeyoung_ : He probably gonna talk shit about us.

_gyedooeng_ : Rightt
_gyedooeng_ : Where our rubbish

_hoeyoung_ : Inside his room crying

_yonbix_ : Because he not the manake 😂😂😂😂

_Kenjumma_ has logged in 

_yonbix_ : I give up ://

_Kenjumma_ : Fake manake 💕💕💕💕💕
_Kenjumma_ : Where are uuuuu

_yeoNo_ : Im here jumma 💛💛💛💛💛

_Kenjumma_ : Commmeeee withhhh maaaaaa

_yeoNO_ : im comiiiiinnggggg

_yonbix_ : .................................. 

_hoeyoung_ : For the god damm sake

_Jungmellon_ has logged on

_hoeyoung_ : Hi sunbae

_Jungmellon_ : Where the quietest person in here

_yonbix_ : .................... 

_Jungmellon_ : Youngsueng ??

_hoeyoung_ : Woahhhh, how come he know

_gyedooeng_ : his fann lol 

_yokbix_ : ............

_Jungmellon_ : ............

_hoeyoung_ : what da fuk thay doing ?

_gyedooeng_ : Communicate

_Jungmellon_ has logged off

_yokbix_ has logged off

_hoeyoung_ : Im so lonely

_gyedooeng_ : u not im the only one

_hoeyoung_ : I guess ://

_swagBoi_ has logged in

_gyedooeng_ : Bai bai bai hyung :(((

_swagBoi_ : Im stay here

_hoeyoung_ : I feel bad for my boi so sue sue

_swagBoi_ : U still have to go with maa those ://

_hoeyoung_ : ...... Fine

_swagBoi_ has logged off

_hoeyoung_ has logged off

_gyedooeng_ : Everyone have left me :((
_gyedooeng_ : I guess i gonna clean the house

_gyedooeng_ has logged off


People offer me to trade for Kangmin but i so scared that i gonna regret it. :((

Im so sorry for anyone have bias on Gyehyoeng. Im so so sorry but i will try to find the prefect group for him.

Stupid Wattapad won't let me update our boiz photo. Im so mad :((. I guess that u guiz can't see our boiz photo now. And if you see the same photo then pls comment or let me know so i can replace it.

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