6. clarity

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  the quality of transparency or purity. 

"there were no blurred lines, only clarity" 



"Okay. Tell me again."

Clarke took a deep breath.

"It's a labyrinth," she began again, her fingers tracing a tattered diagram of Mount Weather's tunnel system. "We got to the dam through this tunnel." She pointed. "It's all connected to the mine system- that's our way in."

"Sure, if we can get past the reapers and the mountain men." I shrugged facietiously.

I took an impatient gulp of cool night air. It had been two days since we made it to Lincoln's village just in time to take in the aftermath of Finn's destruction.

Two days too long.

The waiting was killing me. Camp Jaha had turned into a prison of overbearing rules, watchful eyes and isolation. It was as if they had forgotten that they sent us down to die and we managed to live, without their help. If anyone knew how to handle the ground it was us not them. But it didn't matter because in their eyes, we were just liabilities.

So it would seem that they were making all the decisions themselves and we were the last to know. Including the mission to get our people out of Mount Weather.

"I swear to god if your Mom doesn't sanction a mission soon I'm going by myself." I stated and it was a promise.

I was restless, we all were. Freeing our people consumed my every thought and distracted me from the heavy weight on my heart.

We had barely taken one step inside the gates of Camp Jaha before Luna was snatched away from me once again. Not only her but Murphy and Finn too had been taken away for questioning once news spread of what Finn had done. We had been allowed to visit Finn and Murphy but Luna had been confined to isolation whilst Kane and the others deliberated her freedom.

My chest clenched. Her freedom, as if we had any right to it. Luna had chosen us and somehow Kane was under the impression that that meant her she had given herself over to us. That she was his to decide over. She wasn't. But that didn't stop him.

"You won't be by yourself." Clarke said, wrenching me out of my thoughts. A wave of gratitude washed over me for her, for Clarke.

It seemed that she was one of the only allies I had in this shitty game of survival we were playing.

Clarke's gaze focused on something behind me and I turned to see Finn emerge from the mouth of the arc, his own gaze scanning the camp and landing on Clarke.

"I guess the inquisition's over." She mused, a hard edge to her voice that was reflected in her voice but I barely heard her over the sound of my heartbeat.

Because there she was, stumbling out of the arc on unsteady legs as if the hole they'd put her in had kept her on her knees this whole time.

Her eyes found me. I was on my feet without making a conscious decision to stand and I was moving toward her as she were the moon and I the tide that couldn't help but be sucked in by her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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