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Hey guys so I am starting a new thing and it is called SONG OF THE PART. THis is basically where I put a song in the part every part and that is the song of the part. This SONG OF THE PART is going to be CASTLE ON THE HILL by Ed sheeran.I should really start a song book.Now on to the dare.

Firestar: Yay more torture and sadness for this series what can go wrong

Scarlet: YOU KILLED ME YOU BA****** 

Firestar: Well that's one thing * kills Scarlet* Now let's have the players come in.

*DOD appear*

Glory: Pleasant were here again

Firestar: I know just exciting isn't it, anyways this dare isn't that bad

Sunny: Really cool what is it

Firestar: The guys get to purpose to whoever they like

Guys: yaaaaaa

Starflight: Shit do I have to choose * glances and fatespeaker and sunny*

Firestar,Sunny,Fatespeaker: YESSSSSSSSS

Starflight: * grouns*

Firestar: Ok who wants to go first

Starflight: Can I go last

Firestar: Great we have are first volunteer

Starflight: Shit Ok ummm I guess I choose Fatespeaker

Sunny,Fatespeaker: YESSSSSSSSSSSSS

Firestar: Next Clay go 

Clay: Peril easy

Peril: Yesssss * hugs clay*

Deathbringer: I'll go next

Glory: Shit

Deathbringer: Glory of the rainwings will you marry me

Glory: Don't know deciding to marry you or this pineapple

Deathbringer: * pouts* but that pineapple didn't do anything

Glory: Fine Yessss

All: * cheers *

Firestar: Riptide go on who do you choose

Tsunami: And choose wisely

Riptide: You ok you

Tsunami: Good

Firestar: Ok that is everyone

Whirlpool: Not every one I want to choose

Firestar: Nope no one wants to marry you anyways

Everyone: True

So that didn't take to long.I hope you enjoyed the part.Also what is your favorite series other than WOF. Mine is warriors.

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