What Is Going On?

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Nia stood at the table as they discussed what was going to happen

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Nia stood at the table as they discussed what was going to happen. They would begin their march to the valley. When Nia had visited Octavia the girl had asked which side she was standing on and Nia replied that she would do what she had to to retrieve her son.

"They don't know we're coming. So all three northern passes will be wide open. But the village will be fortified. Where's the water source?" Octavia relayed what they knew. Clarke had mentioned a few things to them but they never revealed their plan.

"Why? What are you thinking?" Indra asked before the doors opened and Miller entered with Clarke and Bellamy.

Nia's gaze went down to the map when Bellamy looked toward her. He was shocked to see her in there among them helping plan this attack. He knew that she was upset about the fact that she was separated from Atlas but she had said they wouldn't do any rash decisions for his sake.

"My question exactly." Clarke announced their presence.

"Miller, your orders were to go-" Cooper began to state.

"I know my orders. I think we should listen to what Clarke has to say." Miller pointed out that Clarke had the more experience on the ground than them.

"You can't take the sea route." She said simply.

"Why? You said the sea is gone. It is passable or not?" Indra questioned.

"Yes, maybe. But you have to understand-" Clarke tried to protest.

"Maybe is good enough for me. Let's move out." Octavia went to walk out but Bellamy stepped in her way.

His movement only seen as hostile making the others act in her defense. Bellamy looked at them and at his sister in disbelief.

"Octavia, we're all on the same team. No one wants to get to that valley more than me. It's my home. But this way is too risky." Clarke tried to them reason.

"Risky how?" Indra asked for further detail.

"Show me." Octavia said bringing them back to the map.

"You chose the shortest route, which makes sense, but the dry seabed is hit by almost constant sandstorms." The blonde informed.

"We have the tents from the second dawn. Sand won't be a problem." Octavia pointed out.

"It's not just sand. Some of it crystallized in Praimfaya. I'm talking shards of glass like razor blades. Your tents will be torn to shreds and so will you." Clarke further explained why it wasn't an option.

"Blodreina is right. Besides, we can only carry rations for 7 days. The sea route will take 6. The next shortest path adds 50 miles. That's two days if we're lucky." Cooper informed showing her support for Octavia.

"How do we know there won't be sandstorms. On the longer route?" Indra spoke again. Nia could tell that the two had a feud going on. Both trying to ensure that Octavia would listen to them.

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