Part 3 'Something Is Very Wrong'

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Steam rises from the hot water that runs down my back. The knots that formed while sleeping at my desk slowly melt away. It's only been five minutes of inhaling the steam, and I feel completely relaxed.

 It's only been five minutes of inhaling the steam, and I feel completely relaxed

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I'm standing in three feet of water in what Americans would call a hot spring. Here we call it an onsen, like the Japanese. My attendant, Lily gently gives a massage as she scrubs my back. The mint pine soap lends a hand to the refreshing feeling.

Out of nowhere, pain like I've never felt before shoots through my ribs. My body automatically recoils away from the lindwurm who was serving me, as if to point the blaming at her.

A/N Just a reminder

The intensity I liken to being bashed repeatedly by a bat with jagged protruding glass

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The intensity I liken to being bashed repeatedly by a bat with jagged protruding glass. I bite back the screams, but I'm unable to keep my knees from buckling.

In a panic, not knowing what is happening, Lily in her lindwurm dragon form wraps her tail around me to keep me afloat. The immensity of pain keeps me from grabbing on to her long neck to support myself. Instead, I'm clutching around my ribs, trying to find any sort of relief.

I can tell Crest is in more pain as she roars out in hurt and confusion. As if trying to rip up an invisible offender, she claws at her confined space. When nothing happens, no relief, she begins to claw at herself.

At this point, my eyes are screwed shut. It hurts unbelievable amounts. Allowing all of my bones to be crushed would be better in comparison to the agony now.

Finally the pain subsides, and my bearings come back. As I open my eyes, I'm overcome with nausea and vomit all of the contents of my stomach out. Right into my relaxing, treasured personal onsen.

My stomach still feels like someone rearranged everything inside. Fully leaning on Lily, shakily, I ask Crest, 'Are you okay?? What was that?'

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