Chapter 33

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Itzamary P.O.V

It's been already a whole month since I've seen Cam and two months that I was with him in LA. Gabbie had came to visit me more than Cam, but I understand that he can't really do much for he's on tour at the moment doing his things. I spin in my chair waiting for the phone call from Cam which he said he was going to call me.. but sometimes he forgets and falls asleep. My roommate was already asleep I don't blame her, it's already 1 a.m. but Cam said he was going to call.. so instead I get on twitter going in my news feed when something catches my attention... I click on it and my heart just stopped.

@ilovecamd : OTP Cam Dallas and Joanna Lopes! " and the picture was of Cam kissing the girl cheek holding her very close to him.. when was this picture taken.. I stroll through the responses and half the girls were asking for me.. what happened to me.. NOTHING HAPPENED TO ME.. when another one caught my attention.

"@somethingcam: but this was taken today.. I saw them leave the restaurant holding hands.. I really like Itzamary tho" I put my phone down and I feel like I'm about to break. What the fuck is happening... I pick up to call Cam but he doesn't answer me, I start to freak out because I even told Cam I didn't like that girl Joanna around him.. it was obvious she was into him.. and worst part they touring together.. she was also a viner and she didn't like me so she wouldn't care if I got hurt so instead I call someone I know will answer.


"Matt I need your help." I say choking on my words.

"Woah, love what's wrong?" after meeting Matt we became really good friends and he was like my brother.

"Do you know where Cam is?" I ask hoping he say oh he's asleep or he's showering, but Matt stays silent on the other end, and that's when I knew..

"So it is true.."

"All I can say is, come to the San Francisco show, and talk to him.. " Matt says serious as ever.. he's never so serious..

"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"I love you Tortilla." I laugh and I tell him I love him too. I hang up and I stare at the picture of the girl and Cam. When I feel the tears fall down my cheeks. How stupid was I? To think this was going to work, he has been acting weird this past two weeks but I thought it was stress, yeah the stress of being caught. I'm I not good enough... why does everyone cheat on me? But you can't jump to conclusions Itzamary!  I know he's not perfect but still, I want answers and I know something is going on. I pick up my phone and call Gabbie it's already 2 a.m.

"It's 2 a.m. is something wro- are you crying? Why are you crying? Itzamary are you okay?!" she frantically asks me. I tell her everything from the stuff I found on twitter to what Matt told me. She stays quiet on the line until I heard her sigh.

"Jack said this was going to happen..." Oh yeah Jack is Gabbie "friend" more like lovers but they don't think so..

"What did Jack say Gabbie.. do you know something? "

"I'm going to go with you tomorrow, we'll today.. and we'll talk on the way there okay? But please go to sleep and go to class then I'll pick you up and go to the show.. wear something cute okay?"

"But Gabb-"

"Goodnight Itzamary, go to bed." and she hangs up. There is something definitely going on.. I walk to bed and crawl in and it seems to see that the tears won't stop coming. But I love you Cam, I thought you loved me..

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