Chapter 50

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     His yellow flames bursted through the shield of blue and before his flames reached mine, another came to counter attack. Once the flames disappeared Elis stood in the middle.

     "Enough. Slator, your daughter is innocent."

     "No Elis, I'm not that, his daughter. And he's right, I have killed innocent people, I have. When I was lost, when my mother won her hold over me. They were dark years, ones I regret and still hurt remembering, but I have made my peace and am trying to atone."

     "Elis, get out of my way."

     "I will not. She is your child Slator, whether you like it or not she is your flesh and blood."

    "I know you still feel the pain of losing your son many years ago, but this will not cause me any sadness," Slator said. And I hesitated a bit, my mind was pulled from the fight and focused on Elis, but if that was what my father planned, to distract me, it worked.

     He sent a whip out in his flames and tried to snake them around my body. Screw using my flames, ice was what he feared, then ice would be my weapon this time. My ice cooled the flames around me, and what was once my fathers whip, turned into my ice. It turned into mushy snow by my feet.

     "Elis, Aunt Palma, I do not want you two to fight your brother. I cannot ask you to do that, but I am asking you to please step aside. This fight is between him and I."

     It was Aunt Palma who finally listened to my words as she ran out of the room, with Nazim right behind her. Good, I didn't want them to see this.

     Elis looked a little surprised that Aunt Palma left, but then he too realized that it was for the better. "I'm not going anywhere," he told me. "Evie and I had our differences in the beginning, but we over came them. Why can't you Slator?"

     "Because I have seen things you haven't Elis," My father said at last. And that's when he attacked again, and not just at me, but at his own brother. Before the flames could hurt either one of us I created another shield.

     "We need to get him on the ground. I have something that would stop him without hurting him," I told Elis. Without taking the vile from my pocket, Elis trusted me. He nodded his head and we knew what we had to do. When my fathers flames dispersed I expanded my shield until it burst like a bubble. The whole room was filled with snow up to our calves and icicles as sharp as spears dangled on the ceiling just waiting to fall. My father made the casual mistake at looking up to see if they would fall, and I took that opportunity to lunge forward.

     I managed to grab his shoulder, but not to push him to the ground where the snow would have held him down except for his mouth so I could drop the poison. My fathers brown eyes, the same ones I had, glared at me from up close and they had a hint of yellow in them as his flames came into his hands. He slapped me across the room where I almost fell through the glassless window. Slator was to distracted with me that Elis managed to stab Slator right behind each of his knee's, instantly he fell forward, but not before grabbing his brothers collar and creating a sort of explosion through his flames. Elis went air born through the room and slammed into the walls hard enough to crack the cement.

     An arrow went flying through the room and landed right through Slator's throat. There were no flames that were attached to it, but the person who shot it was Nazim. And right beside him was Aunt Palma. Together they stood in their warrior leathers and more importantly, their weapons. Nazim had both bow and arrows, along with his sword, while Aunt Palma carried two swords in each of her hands.

     There was no more convincing them not to fight, they had made their choses, and I was happy that they were still on my side. 

     Slator broke the arrow in half and pulled the remaining of it out, his wounds healed as he coughed up blood. "That," he gasped, "is enough to sentence you to death."

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