chapter twenty-seven: warning

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I don't know what I was doing, or why I was doing it, but here I am. The man that beat my mother and me for days when I was just a little girl waits behind that brick wall.

My father. Well, my actual father.

I wanted to talk to him. I wouldn't call it anywhere near a second chance, but more of a peace offering.

He had become my worst fear, and to get over him, I must face him myself. I will never live down what he did to me if I don't see him now, it feels like.

In the back of my head, I hope the glass separating us is thick enough if he were to bang on it. I shakily held the phone in my hands, hearing the conversation of people and criminals in the surrounding booths.

I saw one guard walk out, and behind him, there he was.

Still tall, but all hair has disappeared from his body except a gruffly peach-fuzz of a beard.

He had grown muscles and the same scar remained under his eye. He was beat when he little, so he thought it was okay to carry it on.

They sat him down and he stared at me. I had no makeup on and my hair was in a bun. I wore a big sweatshirt and some jean shorts, along with some tennis shoes.

His eyes burned holes into mine, looking into my fears to see what he had created inside of me.

He picked up the phone and with a sly grin, whispered, "My Bella Rae finally came."

His voice sent chills down my spine and the hairs on the back of my neck raised.

"Hello, Mark." I said bitterly.

"Not even Dad, huh pumpkin?" He smiled his evil grin.

"I wanted to come and try to make things peaceful between us. Not good or bad. I could never forgive you anyways." I said firmly, trying to find it somewhere in me to show any sign of happiness, but failing.

Who cares? He doesn't deserve it.

"Alright. Well listen here. You don't forgive me, I don't forgive you. But I won't hate you anymore, and you won't hate me anymore." He said like it was simple.

"It's not that easy. Can you at least apologize? Or show some sign of sympathy?" I sassed.

"My, my, my, you've changed." He smirked.

"You seem even more of a bastard than before." I spit into the phone harshly.

"You think I can just apologize for doing all that shit when you're the one who got me in here?!" He snapped, raising his voice and slamming his fist on the table.

The guards watched us intently as I flinched, which he clearly enjoyed. He always loved scaring me.

"If I hadn't of gotten you in here, mom would be dead!" I said after a gulp.

"Who cares? Certainly you, because you just had to go and dial the number of your precious uncle. He came and picked you up and what? Now you're a billionaire?" He said. His words burned even more of a hole in my heart.

"Yeah! I called him after you gave me this." I said so strongly my voice nearly broke, raising up my sleeve to reveal the cigarette burn.

"I get out in a year. After that you're mine." He grinned.

"You're sick." Was all I could say as I hung up the phone and got up, leaving.

He watched me walk out, grinning, even as the guards took him away.

When I stepped out, my dad stood there eagerly.

"How was it?" He said, concerned.

"Let's leave." I said, brushing past him.

"Okay." He understood it didn't go well, and knew better than to ask questions.

"Could you drop me off at Tom's hotel?" I asked politely as we drove off.

"Sure." My dad smiled, taking my hand in his.

My eyes threatened to spill tears the entire way, so I bit my lip hard as we pulled up.

"Thanks dad. Love you." I croaked out and hopped out with my phone.

I went into the hotel complex and headed up to Tom's suite. It was honestly like a mini condo.

I knocked on the door and Tom looked confused when he answered.

"Bella?" He asked as he opened the door.

A tear fell from my eye as he took my into his arms and shut the door. I explained him everything that happened as he rubbed my head gently, stopping my crying.

"It's okay, love." He whispered as I finished talking.

"Thank you Tom. I love you." I uttered without thinking.

But honestly, I didn't need to. I definitely love him.

"Love you too." He mumbled while setting his head onto mine, our bodies together on his bed.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be wearing my jumpers?" He asked, referring to my sweatshirt I was wearing.

"What?" I looked up at him.

"Boyfriends usually give their girlfriends their jumpers, right?" He smiled, trying to brighten the mood as he slowly got up.

"Yeah, I guess," I sniffles and sat up, "but it's fine. I have a lot."

"But none of them are mine. Don't you want one that smells like me?" He dances goofily to his closet.

I laughed a little bit and sniffled again.

He came out with two big hoodies, one dark green with black strings, and the other was white one with a big New Balance sign on it.

"Tom, you're literally the best guy a girl could ask for." I smiled wide while he walked over to me and placed the hoodies on the bed.

He kissed my lips so passionately that..let's just say we almost had round two that night.

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