Chapter 13

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I wakened back inside the steel doors that always made sure that I couldn't fly free. How much longer am I going to take this? I am so sick of only being able to fly when I'm fighting for my life! I need to get out of here!

I roared and screeched at the top of my lungs but of course, nothing happened. I roared and screeched for about half an hour until I heard a small steel door open, then I howled even louder.

Soon I heard something bang against the door and heard a deep human voice yell, "Quiet! Quiet! Quiet!"

I just roared louder.

The human sighed and muttered something under his breath then I heard him walk away. Soon he came back and the steel door swing open and reveal who looked like the alpha hunter. He wore thick Monstrous Nightmare hide and unlike the others he had a cloak of Zippleback hide. His belt buckle had a strange indent on it that look sort of like a flying dragon. His dark brown eyes were set deep inside his head and his nose had an almost crooked look. I saw a burn mark that was halfway covered by his dragon bone shoulder plates. His boots were made of strange, yellow, dragon feet.

Before I even had time to show him my teeth about five hunters threw dragon-proof chains around my neck and head. I snarled and spat while they dragged me to some sort of tall metal pen with a wooden ladder on the side. They shoved me inside it and slammed the door shut. I roared my resentment then heard a hunter climb up the ladder.

A moment later, I saw three particularly large hunters peer over the metal walls carrying a dragon-proof chain with a pole on the end. They dropped onto the floor still carrying the chain. I roared fearsomely and shot a warning blast at their feet and two more hunters climbed inside. They carried larger sticks than most and threatened me with them. I bit the end of the stick closest to me and the other hunter jabbed me with his making me let go of the stick and back into the darkest corner.

The hunters with the sticks pulled a rope from out of their back pockets and tossed one around my neck and one around my head. I pulled as hard as I could to get free and reared and kicked and ran from side to side trying to shake them off. The hunters tightened their ropes and the ones with the chain stepped forward. They tied the chains around my head and neck while I struggled to get away. They shoved a metal pole inside my mouth that irritated a sensitive part of my mouth. Then one of the hunters said "On three! One, two three!" and all the hunters jumped off me at the same time and scrambled out of the corral with me jogging after them snapping my jaws. They got out just in time to escape my wrath. I paced around in circles until I heard the sound of someone else climbing up the ladder.

I looked up and saw the alpha hunter take his cloak off and jump inside looking at me like he wanted to fight and he was sure he was going to win. How the heck could he fight me? He looks like he couldn't even wrestle a boar I thought to myself. He stepped foreword with still thinking he could defeat me. I roared at him and prepared a blast when he ran to me and leaped onto my back and a large door in the metal enclosure that I didn't notice before flung open and instinctively galloped out with the alpha hunter still on my back. I felt him pull hard on the chains attached to the pole in my mouth. It was very annoying. I ran in tight circles until I got too dizzy to stand and I collapsed on the floor my head still spinning. I felt him pull on the chains again. This time he kicked my sides and said "Come on, go!" then I stood up and ran to the other side. He used the chains to force me to turn right, and then left.

Then he slapped something on my back that had a small sharp point that dug into my skin. I ran faster and he did it again and I took to the air. "There we go," he muttered, "that's what we want," I bit hard on the pole in my mouth and did an awkward barrel roll to try and shake him off and he pulled the chains and strained me to level out. He slapped me with it again, this time on my neck and a shot a fireball out of frustration. "Good, good" he whispered in a gentle voice and I was soothed by it and calmed down a bit and let him steer me with the irritating chain . He pulled the to the left, I went left. He pulled to the right, I went right. When he pulled skyward, I went up and so on.

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