Chapter 1

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The day was very tiring, very much so for Michael. He didn't even had time for lunch today because Professor Ian just had to make them go over time!

But thankfully the day was already over and he can take a good rest as well as relaxation time because tonight was one of those rare times that he didn't have anything to do and the next 2 days were his break.

Michael walk towards the corridors of their dorm. He looked at each individual doors, with some students already inside and others still empty. Shaking his head, he though of times when he was still starting at Uni and how he practically considered the library as his room due to how much he spends time there. But he wasn't able to spend full nights there because the librarian would kick you out when midnight ticks by.

He was snapped out of thoughts when he saw his own room.

Michael let out a relieved sigh and dragged his fatigued body towards his room.

He pushed the door open and placed his back on the nearby table. Eyeing his bed, Michael walked towards it and collapse on the soft mattress with a soft thud.

"Busy day Mike?"

He looked at the other side of the room to see his roommate Josh, sitting on his own bed, typing away on his laptop while munching on some potato chips.

The man had a smirk on his face while looking at Michael like his exhausted state was the funniest scene of the day. Which to Josh account, might actually be.

"Shut up Josh"

Michael's complain was muffled by the pillow he was currently burying his face into.

Josh laughed at him and stopped typing on his laptop to throw away the now empty bag of potato chips.

"How about you take a bath first before you sleep like the dead"

Josh then proceed to walk towards their bathroom and take Michael's towel.

He threw it towards the already half asleep Michael and plopped back into his bed to type again.

Michael took the soft towel and thanked Josh. He then walked towards his cabinet to take out some clothes to bring with him in the bathroom. He definitely wasn't going to change in front of Josh.

Michael closed the door of the bathroom and placed his clothes on an area where it wouldn't get wet. He stripped off his uniform and didn't bother to wash it since he'll just do it in the laundry room tomorrow.

Michael took a long shower scrubbing his body clean and applying a decent amount of shampoo on his hair.

When he was finally clean. Michael wrapped a towel on his waist and he walk towards the sink to brush his teeth.

Feeling his body relax and fatigue lessen he got out of the bathroom cleaned and clothed, with a towel on his head.

He sat on his bed and continued to dry his hair when he heard Josh whistle loudly.

Michael look to see what the other man was doing and saw Josh's eyes practically glued on the screen of the laptop.

"Josh, what kind of trouble are you going to get yourself into this time?"

Michael ask in a scolding manner. Usually when something gets Josh's attention like this, it means trouble.

"Hey! Dude, I don't get in trouble that often"

Michael just raised his eyebrow at the other man's statement and Josh huffed while pouting.

"The novel I was reading finally got publish and i'm totally gonna buy it"

'Oh, looks like he really isn't going to get in trouble this time'

Looks like Josh managed to find out what Michael was thinking through his facial expression since the other man beamed and puffed his chest in a proud manner.

"Of course not Mike"

Michael rolled his eyes and threw a pillow on Josh face then proceed to lay on his own bed again.

"Josh, turn off the lights would you"

"Yeah, yeah, and your pillow is mine now"

Josh then lazily switched off the lights that was located just near his bed and tucked the pillow that Michael threw at him under his armpit.

"Suit yourself, goodnight"

With that final response, Michael let sleep take over to lull him to dream land.

Michael woke up the next morning with the lights being turned on, their room being a mess and no Josh in sight to reprimand.

Clicking his tongue, Michael took a look at his phone to see that it was already 9:45 in the morning, he then proceed to clean up their room and take a morning shower.

After that he sat on his bed again to take a rest when the door loudly busted open with grinning Josh as the culprit.

Michael glared at the other man but Josh just brushed it off and sat next to him.

"Mike look! This is the novel I was talking about!"

Michael's glare just got darker and with one foot arise he kicked Josh out of his bed.

"What was that for!?"

"Your too loud for once, second no sitting on my bed and third you lucky bastard get to have your everyday as break day"

Josh then dramatically leaned back as if Michael just said the most blasphemous thing since the 20th century.

"Not my fault your department is a slave maker"

Michael can't blame that one on Josh, he knew. His department was definitely a hard one but it was worthwhile for the future.

"Anyway, you wanna read this book?"

Josh gave the book he was holding towards Michael with a mischievous smile.

Michael was suspicious and hesitant at first, but with the hopeful smile that Josh gave him, he just raised his hands on the air as a sign of giving up and took the book.

Josh jumped in joy then winked towards Michael and left the room after saying that Michael definitely won't regret it.

Michael now felt that taking the book was a really big mistake.

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