Chapter 2 ♥ x ∞

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Chapter 2 ♥ x ∞

=2 years later=

Your bare feet walked the cold stone floor of the cave that, Levi, Isabele, and Farlan lived in. They haven’t ever told you were they lived, but you had followed them every step of the way without, miraculously, getting caught.

“Hm…Did you hear that,” Farlan’s deep voice rang through the cave, you quickly slammed your back, gently, on the cave wall, “Hear what? Farlan are you okay?”

“…Nothing, maybe it was my imagination.” Farlan’s voice quiet down to a whisper before he looked up at the stars from the gaping roof, “Up there,” He shot his hands out, “I want to be like that bird up there,  soaring freely outside of the walls.”

“Yeeah, I bet it gets to travel all outside of the wall,”

“Tch, Shut up, and go to sleep.” You heard a shuffle of cloths, before you decided to peak; all their backs were turned on you, their brownish cloaks, covering their bodies. You gently tip-toed, towards their relaxed, sleeping forms. Your face graced a small smile. You gently took the hood off of Isabele’s head

“Nnng, bread, soup, t-tuna…!” She mumbled in her sleep, You moved her bangs from her forehead, and lightly kissed it, “…?” he mumbling about food stopped. “Mom…” her words muffled again before she fell asleep. You let out the big breath you were holding, and moved to the person next to her. Levi. He looked so peaceful, and not stoic, when he is asleep, almost, kind of, cute. You quickly kissed his forehead before crawling away, fast.

“Farlan…” You whispered getting up going to that last boy. You lifted his hood off of his head and stared at him gently. You didn’t have a crush on his, no you just had to take the time to admire, that’s all. Your finger tip moved down his cheek to his jaw-line. You gently pecked his forehead and left to get up. A hand clasped onto your wrist, as you fell onto the person.

“What are you doing here.” Farlan’s voice low and deep

“I-I Was just checking on you guys…I was dearly worried, that’s all.” You wriggled your wrist in Farlan’s hand, “L-Let go, I must get back to the tower.”

Instead of letting go Farlan simply pulled you down onto his chest, and patted you on the head, while you were a blushing mess, “F-Farlan, what are you doing..?”

“Shh….go to sleep, (Y/N) as many nights as you stayed with us until dusk, I think your fancy little manor will be alright one more night, just, go to sleep.” You looked up at Farlan, fast asleep, before you snuggled up and closed your eyes.

~Magical Time skip~


“Woow…Levi! They look like an actual couple, Like Husband and Wife…And were siblings….See Levi we were always supposed to be my Big Bro!” Levi threw a piece of a rock at Isabele, “Shut-up, Isabele.”

“Hey, wake up you brat.” Levi was shaking you, viciously. Your eyes opened gently, as you sat up and rubbed them. “Hm..Oh good morning.” You smiled gently. The strap on your long (F/C) dress had slipped a bit when you had leaned to the side. Farlan woke up behind you and grabbed your waist.

“….Morning.” He grumbled behind.

“Tch, get up we have to leave, now.” You adjusted the strap on your dress and sat up. “Farlan, you are very comfortable to sleep on…Thank you.”

Titan Love (Levi x Reader x Erwin)Where stories live. Discover now