Chapter One Hundred And Sixty Six - Bringing Home My Husband

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"Then you agree?" A very startled Master Technician asked, requiring confirmation. Not only had he, his fellow Machine creator and their technicians been summoned back to the Grand Central Library that afternoon, they found that the Grand Librarian now wholeheartedly agreed to give them the season they required to complete the Machine before moving it to the City.

"Of course," said the Grand Librarian, as he sat upright, in noble stance before them. "The completion of the Machine is of utmost importance. I would not wish to cause a set back at this late date." The Grand Librarian gave them a small, calm smile before sending them on their way. Once they were out of sight, the smile fell and the man's posture became lazy.

"Master," L'nan-win called out from where he was hiding in the shadows. "Is everything alright?"

The man sighed dramatically. "I never wanted to be a librarian. I thought the task was really very dull. I'd rather be out there researching things." He glanced over at the small boy. "Should you not be watching over O'vel-win? He was quite damaged in the attack you know. And don't forget to reinstate his memories now that our task is done here."

"Yes, Master," The boy grinned before racing out of the door. The Master watched his little backup system go feeling quite pleased with the child. He was growing up nicely.


K'tai-tul waited impatiently by the wagon, wringing his fingers together. In order to put on a good show, his lover needed to have appeared to be 'found wandering the library' once the Master summoned back the Master Technicians. But O'vel-win was still hurt, not his body like they first assumed, but his soul. Slipping into the System's space was something that their bodies could not do as their bodies were formed of data within the file. What had crossed over was their souls.

Ch'mai-win patiently explained it to him as they waited. The Grand Librarian had lured him into his space to separate him from her, his small system. Once trapped, he would once again be at the System's mercy. Neither Yin nor Yang could enter without assistance, so they could only rely on O'vel-win to help them. Why his husband could freely enter, they did not explain.

"How did you come to be in the City in the first place?" he had asked curiously.

"Neither of us can be far from you," she had replied. "That is why we are normally trinkets worn or carried by you. However this time we had to keep your memories sealed so he wouldn't find you before we were ready to capture him, so that he would not find you. But it didn't work so well and the Master had to intervene." The two backup's were linked to the Master, once they were in the System's space, they could summon him in turn. In a way, things worked out for the best. The corruption already in the file had not worsened and they still had a chance to fix what would else be ruined.

K'tai-tul jumped up as he saw O'vel-win step out of the Library in the wake of his masters. A small boy darted passed first and ran down towards the wagon. As he climbed in beside Ch'mai-tul, O'vel-win glanced over, a clearly torn look upon his face. K'tai-tul's stomach sank. The man currently did not remember him and though he loved him, he also felt betrayed by what he felt had been hidden from him. K'tai-tul knew he would not feel that way once his own memories were returned, but at that moment, that look of distrust hurt.

O'vel-win spoke briefly to his masters, who looked startled, but eventually nodded in agreement. They saw no harm in his request and let him go. The clearly reluctant technician slowly approached his lover and the two children. "I need to collect my things from the inn," he stated.

"Alright," K'tai-tul swallowed his feelings down, waited until O'vel-win climbed beside him and guided the wagon towards the inn.

Although O'vel-win did not resist riding back to the farm with them once they had his things, there was much tension in the air and a heavy silence. L'nan-win had not yet returned his memories as O'vel-win's soul was still reeling from the shock of the attack upon him and releasing the memories could worsen things. And so the two men had to suffer during the long journey home.

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