Chapter 1

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"Goddamnit Alex!" I run after them as they head straight into the fight, "You're going to get yourself killed!"

Ok pause, this hero I'm referring to is basically the most idiotic person you could ever encounter. Who knows how they came into the world of ass kicking and saving people's butts if they can't even do shit themselves. I, on the other hand, am an equally stupid person for following them.


I guess it all began when I decided to walk around town looking for something exciting to happen. This world I live in has as any fantasy book or fantasy game would describe it as a magical place where people are brave. Yea totally not me.

"Come one come all!" I look over to see some guy in fancy clothing yelling. 'What does this guy think he is, some type of magician- wait he could be.' Debating on whether to head into the crowd or walk away  I figured it couldn't hurt to see what the maybe magician was saying. "I, the Brave and Marvelous Wizard," 'So he's a magician,' "am here to tell your pathetic towns future."

The crowd began to yell insults at the man, "What the fuck man I know I'm already pathetic but I don't need some wannabe tell me!" I spoke up gaining attention. 'Shit I didn't want to be the center of attention.' The wannabe ignored my comments while the crowd was still upset about the whole comment,

"This town has been lacking any sort of action and adventure in their lives, I predict that one brave knight would emerge from this town and make a name for themselves!" He stated which in turn made the whole crowd forget about his previous comment and erupt in cheers for a potential knight.

I, on the other hand, took this chance to leave and get some food. 'Maybe this town would be nice having a knight around.' I thought as I was walking towards the market. While looking at some apples I thought back to what the Wizard said. 'Well whoever they are, I hope they actually have some guts unlike the whole population.'

"Help! Someone, anyone!" 'A cry for help how coincidentally planned after that guy said that shit about a knight. Wouldn't be surprised if this was all planned.' A rouge was running around with a bloodied knife holding a bag, heck even their clothes had a bit of blood on them. Deciding that I wasn't  gonna do anything I walked away with an apple while everyone else was panicking. 'Where's  that Wizard when you need him.'

"Fear not Lady, I'll try to help" Some random person yelled out gaining attention. 'Keyword try.' I laugh at the random person playing hero. They dashed towards the rouge making a war cry. 'Is this person blind or stupid?' The Knight fake ran straight at the rouge probably with no plan in mind. 'Yep, definitely an idiot.' The rouge kept running away from the fake while the fake kept chasing,

'Idiot doesn't even have a weapon' I thought while following this fight to see how it was going to turn out. Finally the rouge decided to stop and face them, I don't think they were actually planning on the rouge stopping considering the surprise on their face. Hiding behind an empty stall I tuned into their conversation. "H-hey man why don't you just return whatever you stole and leave." So much for being brave and confident.  guy probably murdered someone, who knows what they're capable of'

"What are you going to do about it, huh hero?" The Rouge mocked. "I shall take you down like a knight would" They placed their hands on their hips posing. 'You and what guts?' "You know kid, people like you annoy me," He points his knife at the person, "You think trying to stop me automatically makes you a Knight?"

"Maybe" They replied with pure confidence in their voice.  The rouge didn't expect to hear such an answer from a kid who was obviously trying too hard to play the role.

"Well if you're playing the part of the knight, I guess I could grant you mercy." "Mercy?" The Fake said "Yeah," He smirked as he stared into their eyes, "Mercy as in death!" The rouge lunged at the 'hero', dagger in hand, aiming for anything really. they freaked out and barely moved their arm out of the way. 'No way this fake is gonna last. It's what they get for trying to be someone their not.'

Their dodging skills were honestly the only thing keeping them alive, I mean I don't see the, actually attempt to fight back. From the corner of my eye I saw something move and froze. It was a damn cockroach. While silently freaking out and trying to shoo the bug away, my hold on my apple gave away and flew into the air.

You know, getting hit by an apple may be the most absurd way to lose against someone. Well, that's  exactly what happened to the rouge. Having an apple land on your head and successfully distracting you enough to get hit may hurt your ego. What surprised me the most was the amount of force go into a single punch 'The kid lacks any sort of common sense, but I gotta hand it to them, they impressed me.'

Turning back to the cockroach I quickly stomped and it and walked away before it moved again. Spotting my fallen apple I can only laugh at the scene,  'Did my apple become a hero? Did it want to live a life of Knight-ship but was unfortunate enough to be born into a fruit. Well there goes my snack' The kid looked surprised to have won and soon enough people started appearing surrounding them and being praised  for being "Oh so brave." I scoff, 'If anything my apple should be getting the praise, it did something' Heading back to the market I recalled what the Wizard said,  'I guess his prediction might come true'

Now then, time to  Buy a new apple on the way home, and raise it to be the best apple warrior the world has ever seen.

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