Rooming with Royals [26]

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You will hate me for this chapter. I just know it.🙁



Chapter 26

Lauren turned around, her face going pale.

Yeah bitch! You weren't expecting that were you?

"Hello Violet." She plastered a fake smile on her face, which I didn't return. Both of her copycats bowed their heads and shied away.

"I heard everything Lauren, so what is this about?" I crossed my arms, standing to my full height in front of her. It took her a few seconds to spit the rock since she was too busy thinking about me getting murdered by her own hands.

"You stole Eros away from me!" She screeched making me raise my eyebrows.

Stole Eros away from her? What is she talking about?

"Huh?" Some might laugh at my question but I seriously couldn't think of anything else to say. Lauren only seemed to turn even more red by my confusion.

"Eros and I were dating before you came! But you just had to ruin everything and stay here!" She clenched her fists, eyes twitching.

"You and him were dating?" My voice echoed through the hall.

If Lauren and Eros were dating then what if...

What if he still has feelings for her?

Fear crept into me. What if it turned out to be true?

"Yes we were but then you came." She spat, venom lacing her words. Her lips formed a smirk as she crossed her arms.

"But don't worry, I will have Eros back." It was my turn to clenchmy fists. Something inside of me flared.

"Ha! Have Eros back? Eros wasn't interested in you in the first place, you bitch. He was doing that out of pity." I took a step forward, bringing us nose to nose.

"Really? Then why did he ask me out?"

Keep calm Violet, don't kill her... yet.

"Because he wanted to make me jealous." Lauren's eyebrows shot up.

"If he wanted to make you jealous, why did he call me? He could have called any other girl," she said.

I hated to admit this but she was right. Why had he called her? Her in specific.

"Whatever Lauren. But be sure, Eros will never be yours 'cause he has his eyes on another girl, therefore if you want war, then so be it." I didn't want to waste my time on a senseless bitch like her, so I turned on my heels and walked in the opposite direction.

"I know Eros more than you do princess." She spat.

"I know that he will come running back to me at the end. After all, he will never be satisfied with a girl like you. I mean, look at you; so pale and fragile." My walking came to a halt.

She said what?!

I turned around, fury clouding my vision. My body was on fire and I could feel my fire powers surfacing. Lauren's face turned from pleased to dread.

"You little bitch!" I started shooting fire balls in her direction.

She started screaming, trying to dodge the balls of fire. I heard heavy footsteps coming this way and became aware of a presence behind me but paid it no mind. I was too angry to care if I was drawing a crowd. Lauren would pay for talking to me like that.

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