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Some people gain strength as they grow.

Some people face their demons and get stronger.

And then there are those who are born with raw strength rushing through their veins.

And these are the ones meant to rule the world.


He was the demon of the dark

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He was the demon of the dark. With an endless amount of love and sacrifice in his heart.

He had lived. He had loved. He had seen the kings rise and fall.

Yet, he stayed the one true ruler who hadn't seen defeat for he was the one constant through the changing times.

But that was until he met her and fell. He fell so hard that this time there was no going back. Because she, was the Empress his Empire awaited.


She ruled darkness and reigned on love

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She ruled darkness and reigned on love. She had seen worlds collide and she had seen them crumble.

She had suffered loss like no other and she had come out stronger each time.

She romanced with fear and danced with death. She was the warrior no world had seen before.

And then he came along. He seduced his way into her cold heart and from then on, every flower that bloomed told their tale.


She was the Queen and he was the King. And now they would rule over the seven realms together.


He was in love with the galaxies she carried on her skin

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He was in love with the galaxies she carried on her skin.

She was willing to fight for the universe hidden in his eyes

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She was willing to fight for the universe hidden in his eyes.

And together they walked into their kingdom to show them all how it's ruled

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And together they walked into their kingdom to show them all how it's ruled.


Alright my lovelies! There you go. Elisabelle will go to such highs together that from now on they'll never see pain.

By the way, the chapters will be a bit longer from now on. So buckle up people! A lot is on it's way.

And I do not take credit for the video above. All rights go to the creator.

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Love, Devu.

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