💡 - 17 - 💛

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💛 Donghoen ship (inside group) 💛

💛💜 Donghoen x Hoyoung
+ Dongho /Hoyeon 

💛💫 Donghoen x Minchan
+ Donchan/Minoen

💛💣 Donghoen x Gygehyoen
+ Donghyeon / Gyehoen

💛💎 Donghoen x Yeoho
+ Dongho / Yeoheon

💛🍉 Donghoen x Youngsueng
+ Dongsueng /Younghoen

💛🔥 Donghoen x Kangmin
+ Dangmin / Kanghoen


I will do story about this ship so don't panick :vv.

Probably update 1 chapter everyday since i just coming back to school (i hated it so so so so so so much) and also my house work (bla bla bla)

I don't really know what you guys will prefer it like that or something else. If it something else then pls comments to let me know


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