05 I want to see her again

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Jennie POV

Why is she still watching me and even worse why the hell am I still seeing her to?

I don't know how much time has passed, but during all this time my heart has not been able to calm down, I have never felt anything like it.

Her look is empty, she has no expression. Her eyes do not reflect anything, they are dark as night.

Something made me look away from her, it was my phone. It's my father.

"Hello father" I answered.

"Where are you? I'm waiting for you in the house, I need to talk to you about something important. I need you to get to the house as soon as possible." He tells me before cutting the call.

"As always, so subtle. He didn't even asked how it went on my first day of school or if it was okay. " I told myself.

I started the car, I was about to leave, but I remembered the person outside. I turned to look at her one last time and she kept looking at me. With that intense look it could pierce my soul.

I remembered my father's call so I quickly left that place.

I could still feel her gaze on me.

What are you doing there in the middle of nowhere? Who is she? Why did she make me feel that way?

So many questions were in my head while I was on my way home. I was so deep in my thoughts that I did not realize that I had arrived.

"Hello nana, can you tell me where my father is? "

"My little girl, your father is in his office, he has been waiting for you for." She answers me

"Thank you." I said with a smile.

I went to the office, I knocked three times.

"Come in"

I opened the door and there he was, reviewing papers as always.

"Why did you take so long to get home from school?" He asks without looking at me.

I do not know why it does not surprise me, he has always been like that, so cold.

The only thing that interests him is his company and his well being of him.

"I left late from my last class, there was an accident on the main road so I had to take the road to the lake. "I lied to him.

Obviously I was not going to tell him that I was late because I was too busy seeing a girl in the lake.

"I see, however. I wanted to tell you that I made a great deal with your boyfriend's father, so you better not let that relationship go down. This business is very important to me. "

"As you say father. "I replied normal, but inside I had so much anger.

He always does things to his convince without caring about the feelings of others or even his own daughter, now I have no choice but to follow his orders and continue my relationship with V.

I went up to my room to finish my tasks and maybe my anger would go down, but being in the middle of my duties, the girl from the lake popped in my head and again my heart started to accelerate from just thinking about her.

Maybe I'm a bit silly, but I want to see her again.

"Why is my little girl smiling? "My nana asks me suddenly. I did not notice when I entered my room.

I could feel myself blushing, was I smile?

"for nothing,  I was just remembering something." I replied.

"Or someone? And I do not think it's because of Teahyung." She tells me.

She knows about V, she knows I don't love him and that I'm just with him to please my father. Apart from Jisoo, my nanny is also who I trust. She realized that i didn't want to be in that relationship from the moment I said yes to V.

"You caught me. "I replied with a smile.

"And who is the lucky one." She asks me.

"Nobody especially nana, I do not even know the name of the person. "I said disappointed

"Well, next time you see that person, make sure you ask his name, my girl. "She responds with a soft smile while he caresses my cheek.

"I'll do it nana. "

I'm the most interested looking for the next time.

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