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THE GRIEF-STRICKEN EXPRESSION ON ELIJAH'S FACE was more than enough to make Freddie's heart drop to the bottom of his stomach, feeling it slowly shatter into a million pieces. The guilt and regret immediately plunged in his body and consumed him exhaustively, leaving him unable to move or even speak as he stared at his boyfriend—he doesn't even know if he can call the man his beloved now, the events that happened roaring back to his mind.

Elijah looked absolutely crushed and there was a heavy tiredness lingering on his whole aura, tears were forming on his eyes and Freddie wanted to scream and beg for forgiveness. But he knew it was useless.

Because even Freddie wouldn't absolve himself for what he did.

The atmosphere around Elijah suddenly changed and before Freddie could even comprehend what he was about to do, the fist flying on Paul's face as his nose broke underneath Elijah's heavy punch showed him Elijah's extreme fury. Freddie couldn't keep the screech rising from the back of his mouth as Paul glared and punched Elijah back. It was a bloody chaos, with Paul's nose and eye bleeding rapidly and Elijah's fist fractured and as minutes passed with them fighting like dogs, Freddie couldn't handle it anymore.

"Stop!" Freddie screamed, breathing laboriously as Elijah stopped, both his hand and face bloody but he didn't give a damn, looking more jaded than he did earlier and Freddie felt his heart smash to smithereens once more, if it was even possible.

He did this to Elijah. It was all his fault.

"Paul, leave." Freddie harshly demanded, unable to keep the stutter out as he gazed at Elijah's eyes, who didn't even look at him, instead staring at the ground.

"B-but Freddie!" Paul tried to protest, despite the pain on his face. Freddie's glower made him shut up quickly.

"I SAID LEAVE!" Freddie bellowed angrily, pointing to the door and leaving all rationality behind him as his eyes filled with maliciousness and tears. He wasn't angry at Paul nevertheless, he was angry at himself.

As he heard Paul start his car's engine, he finally turned to look at the exhausted man in front of him. He was different and just as he stepped a foot forward, Elijah backed away. Freddie tried to ignore the torment that was happening in his heart and spoke out softly, "Elijah,"

The male turned a deaf ear to him and Freddie shed tears, unable to keep the agony any longer and being desperate enough, cried out "Elijah, please. Say something. Please." Be mad at me. Yell. Shout. Anything. It's better than you being quiet and not talking to me. I can't fucking take it, Elijah. Please.

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