Molly Weasley

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Sitting in the brown hued kitchen, the woman in the canary yellow dress was humming to a tune as she stirred the pot of oatmeal

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Sitting in the brown hued kitchen, the woman in the canary yellow dress was humming to a tune as she stirred the pot of oatmeal. Glancing at the clock on the wall, she spots that it was nearly time for her youngest son to attend his training with Harry. Sighing, she swishs her wand at the spoon where it begins to stir itself. Turning, she heads to the bottom of the stairs. Inhaling deeply, she hollers up the the steps.


Immediately, she hears a thump from the sound of Ron rolling out of bed in surprise. Hearing a muffled curse and a faint noise of 'coming.' Smiling in satisfaction and turning to go back to the kitchen where she checks on the oatmeal. Humming another tune, she grabs the basket of linen by the back door. Heading outside, she sets the basket down and pulls out her wand. With a flick of the wrist, the sheets begin to pull themselves out of the brown wicker basket. Another swish and the clips raise in the air where they clip to hold the sheets to the clothesline. Such a medical task has Molly observing the sheets for a moment then drifted around when a rustling sound from behind her had her turning around. Curious by the sound, she assumed it was the pesky gnomes were back when a certain sight had her freeze up in surprise.

A small child is sitting just outside the green hedge that was enchanted to discourage muggles from moving near their home. To make sure that the family's magical abilities were safely hidden in the small muggle town they lived in. Her fiery red curls and mischievous green eyes were observing Molly.

Putting her hands on her hips, she looks down at the child in wonderment.

"Now then, where did you come from?" She asks the little girl who just smiles and waves her hands around.

Walking to her, the little girl watches Molly's every step. When Molly nears, the little one raised her arms and started babbling. Chuckling at her, Molly picks up the little one into her arms.

The baby smell Molly adored drifted into her eyes and can't help but let out a warm smile.

"Now then, where's your mummy huh?" She taps the little girl on her button nose.

Suddenly, a noise rises over the hedge as it is filled with undiluted panic:


Molly looks down at the girl and sighs, remember the times she was younger and her mischievous children would suddenly go missing. Especially a pair of twins, but that thought caused a painful twisting in her chest.

"I do believe we've found her."


Emma's heart was beating rapidly, warm tears that freeze in the slight breeze on her cheeks. Her hand is to her mouth as vomit is trying to make her way up her throat. Looking around in all directions, trying to perhaps spot the red hair in the tall grass, looked behind the beech tree they sat under. There was no plausible way Evelyn could get too far, but she couldn't spot the girl anywhere.

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