Chapter 34

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Gabbie P.O.V

As I leave my new LA home to go pick up Itzamary I feel as if the world is just going to explode.. should I tell her what Jack told me about Cam and Joanna.. I lower the music in my car and I think to myself, what if it's not true.. but Jack did say Cam was going to be ended up dating Joanna, because a guy won't ever refuse an offer that easy. Ugh, if that's the case then he an asshole. Hopefully, It's all just a misunderstanding because Cameron and Itzamary are meant to be, they have to be! Just like me and Jack.. my heart warms up at the thought of Gilinsky. We may not be official.. because he's working on that.. but I have this crazy feelings for him that I don't even believe them. After that night in my old apartment Jack told me we can postpone "us" till he finished tour which will be done in two weeks.. and now that I'm living close to him we can go on dates.. he said we could try, that he would try for me. I believe him, why? Because he has called me every night to tell me everything.. he's practically my best friend. My Jack.. my amazing Jack.. I hire the music and step on the gas. I need to see my Jack and get this Cameron drama out of the view.

Itzamary P.O.V

I was sitting outside waiting for Gabbie to show up. Last night I had about an hour sleep, I got late to class and I didn't even know what was going on. I'm a wreck and it's all because of him. I check my phone and I still have no call backs or text messages. Why does he ignore me.. why are you ignoring me.. I know he is because he's tweeting things that he's bored or that he has nothing to do. Hey you have a girlfriend!  Even though we never made it official to the fans they had an idea we where together. The cute tweets, snapchat pictures and videos and just everything said that we were together. We were going to say that we are together after his tour which ends in two weeks.. but now.. I don't know what's going to happen. I look down at my clothes, I'm wearing that dress he took me out on our first date.. the one he loved so much on me. Maybe that way he'll remember that he loves me. I was so caught up in my thinking that I didn't notice Gabbie parked in front of me until she started honking. I get up from the bench and run to her car, I get in and she wastes no time in going forward.

"Hey, we're going to be late if we don't hurry so yeah.."

"No I get it, so Gabbie what was it th-, you know what never mind don't tell me til I talk to Cam." I say thinking it's for the best.

" Alright Babe, whatever you say." Gabbie says fixing her heart shaped shades. I noticed Gabbie was wearing some rather different clothes.

"So your clothes.."

"Yeah, my sister Luz thought that I should try it out and wear something that fit the LA life and I honestly like it." she says giving me her dimpled smile. Honestly she looked good, better than her regular tshirt and jeans with her converse's. Now she's wearing black skinny jeans with and demin jacket with a floral shirt that fit just perfectly. She looked like a hipster/rocker.. hmm maybe it's Jack influence to..

"I know what you're thinking... and yes maybe a little.."

"What has Jack done to you?" I say rather a little jealous, because I know they aren't official yet Jack calls her every night, just like Cam once did.. Gabbie notices my sadness and reaches out to grasp my hand.

"Don't worry Itzamary, it's probably a huge misunderstanding. Cam, he's under stress and yeah well see.. plus well be there in about 10 minutes. " she says checking her navigation system. Suddenly I feel sick to my stomach and I don't know why I'm scared. We park up at the venue where the boys will be playing and we walk out. Gabbie gives me a smile of confront but I'm still rather nervous, he doesn't even know I'm here.

"Hey, isn't that the dress you used for your first date? "

"Yes, I thought maybe if he saw the girl he actually liked and remember why he liked me." I actually love him. Then we are front of the doors, I stop and take a deep breathe.. I push the doors to enter the venue, it's now or never. All my answers will be found tonight.

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