Time to act...Or Time for Truth...

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Justin's POV~

I have no words to describe what happened today...I took Bryan home and as soon as I left...I hear HIM,"Why bother doing this? Its not like its getting us anywhere.", I growl at that...that stupid voice in my head,"You know damn well why I'm doing this, he's my friend!!", I wait a few seconds...No response, I decided to sleep on Bryan's couch in case he wakes up, I think to myself,"How I'm I going to tell the others...?"

Rockstar Freddy's POV~

I get filled up with all this information about what happened while I was 'dead'...I still have a hard time standing in the same room with Afton, but that's not important, I more concerned about Bryan and that Justin guy...I mean, he acted really strange, its as if he had a monster inside him,**(Cough) totally not a hint.(Cough)**, Bryan's has this virus inside him, we found a cure but its in another portal...The cure is in the Daycare Kids portal, I don't wanna in-danger the kids further, so I told everyone I can sneak into the Daycare grab the cure before they see me, we all saw no other way so we had to do this now...

Jon's POV~

I watch them, they really do care about Bryan...I had done the most horrible thing to him...I mean he is the reason why I'm becoming the CEO in the first place, I'm trying to fight back my tears, I blink them away and just leave...My robots have less trust in me after my fight with Rockstar Foxy, they say I should've never done that, I'm in my apartment as soon as I close the door I burst into tears..."Why...WHY HIM, WHY NOT ME!?!?", I feel my guilt growing, I need to make this right...**Yeah you better!**  

???'s POV~

I can not believe this, I'm watching a stupid jester cry his eyes out when it was all his fault this happened...I which CCTV cameras, I see Justin had fallen asleep on Bryan's sofa...I see Bryan is no better...and of course, the stupid robots trying to figure out who I am...Like they can work it out...My body had been long gone...But my soul lives in...I think I got my next target...Sorry little Fox but...I need to do this...Ha...HAHAHAHAHAH!!!

Davis's POV~

I'm getting sick and tired of these robots...I swear I'm going to break that stupid fox, that when I hear them scream, I rush out and see a hooded figure destroying Foxy, I was too scared to Intervene so I ran, I hear Chica screaming at my,"COWARD!!!", I feel so much guilt...But I'd rather run away than deal with a hooded Figure!!!

Little Girl's  POV~

I'm walking down the street when I hear yelling inside that new pizzeria,"COWARD!!!", I stare as a night-guard runs out of the building, I let my curiosity get the better of me...I see a Fox nearly destroyed I take a photo...I quickly leave, I continue to jog home, I can show this to the others and we can get pieces of the puzzle all together, I start to walk fast, I feel like I'm being followed...

**It is basically tomorrow by the time I finish writing this aren't I smart? I hope you all like this new chapter...Remember...In some chapters there are a couple of hints of who the mystery charterers could be...I wonder....** 

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