Chapter 6: Blue Feathers and Ambition

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Author's Notes:(Picture from Zelda Dungeon) I just checked earlier and we're up to 66 reads! I can not even comprehend that; I only expected like 5. You have no idea how happy it makes me to see people enjoy my work! Even if y'all aren't vocal that doesn't matter to me. I think even if it is a silent crowd that matters little to me. As I've said before, as long as one person smiles, the whole thing is worth it to me. Now, to the actual story. This is it, the big event where (spoiler alert but not really, it's really heavily implied) you-know-who makes his appearance. I'm giddy just thinking about the rest of my story. Can't wait! Let's do this!

Fun Fact: I'm the type of person where I assign events or even individual people music. It may seem odd but I for some reason can just feel music resonate with particular characters or situations. So, just a little hint from me. This song, is what I feel encapsulates you-know-who from here on. Have fun dissecting that :)

Link strapped on his climbing gear. Not only was Vah Medoh an already large Divine Beast but it was also sitting on the central rock pillar of Rito Village. It may not sound too bad but it was almost a ninety degree climb that also curved outwards due to it being essentially a large boulder on top. Rummaging through his pack he had enough food and elixirs to keep him topped up on energy throughout the climb. What he was really looking for was within his collection of weapons. Since his opponent presumably would be using the air to his advantage he would counter it in as many ways as he could. Including having a few dirty tricks up his sleeve that his old friend most certainly wouldn't expect. He wasn't the same Link that died all those years ago but he wasn't all that different either. However old Link would never have thrown dirt in his opponents eye because of his honor bound nature. Current Link, not so much. As his hands brushed up against the swords and spears and past the shields his hands finally closed around what he was looking for. It was carved out of exceptionally strong wood, so strong it was rumored to be one of a kind. It was uniquely gray and decorated with white and yellow accents. It's red grip wrapped in tanned leather with meticulous care. It's string was twined tightly and allowed for incredibly accurate shots that didn't waver in the air. Lastly on the lower limb of the bow, tied neatly to it, was a sky blue piece of fabric. The Great Eagle Bow, the last surviving piece of Revali that the Rito still held in their possession. It was gifted to Link after his victory over Windblight Ganon. Unlike the other champion weapons which were lost after their deaths, the bow was recovered. It was apparently found floating in the lake under the village and singed from battle. This of course meant it had fallen off of Medoh after Revali had fallen himself. It took many years to painstakingly repair it back to its original form; but it was completed long before it was gifted to Link.

He held onto it with reverence as he did with all the other meaningful items he's collected on his journey. He could never bring himself to cause wear and tear to what essentially was the last possession in the champions life. It had never been fired save once, in his fight with Calamity Ganon. He could still remember it vividly; Calamity Ganon clung to the walls and scuttled around the room firing beams of light directly at him. He had no time to deflect with his shield so he summoned the gale with bow in hand. While suspended in the air he fired three bomb arrows at once with the great bow. They hit the Calamity directly in it's face forcing it to the ground allowing Link to move in with the Master Sword for the kill. Some small part of him owed this bow his life; he wouldn't allow to break on his life no matter what. His mind suddenly jogged back into reality. He stood there, admiring the craftsmanship in his hand and slowly slung it over his back. Maybe if words didn't work, this could jog a few memories. The hero looked towards the sky, the sun hung high in the air, it was about noon. He began his climb as the sun burned itself into him. Luckily his gear was made for climbing because if not he surely would've lost his grip and fell. Sweat clung to his forehead as his breaths became more and more labored. The top of the rock seemed so close and yet so far, always just out of reach. He heard beards chirping as they flew by and could feel the cold air chilling his body to the bone. Link was burning up from the effort and also had sharp, cold air piercing his lungs. It was truly a test of endurance to gain entry to Vah Medoh. His hand grasped the edge has he pulled his stomach over and rolled onto his back. Just breathing.

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