Chapter 36

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Cameron P.O.V

We finished the show already and we were all back in the hotel room. Everyone but Joanna left because they all hate me. Matt walked off stage when I announced my relationship with Joanna and Gilinsky just backed away while the others stared at me with disgusted eyes. I grab the pillow and throw it to the wall! I'M FUCKEN DISGUSTED TO BUT YOU GUYS CANT KNOW THAT!!! They don't know that I'm forced to date Joanna so we could keep this dream coming. Her dad threaten me if I didn't make her happy he was going to shut us down.. and I can't do that to the boys.. I would of left all this happily for Itzamary,  I would of gotten an apartment near her and worked just to see her every day. But not only my dream was at risk here, I let her do whatever she wants with me but I don't feel anything, then I feel the pain sink in my heart and I fall to the floor, thank God Joanna is showering, I started to cry and hit the floor. I'm a fucken idiot! I hurt the girl I fucken love for a whore who going around with other guys. When she found us today I tried to let it down as fast as I can because I couldn't keep up the poker face I was breaking with each word, but I knew that I was preparing her for this because I had to stopped texting and calling her for a while now so she knew what was going on.. I never kissed Joanna til today and I won't ever kiss her unless we are in public so her dad can see that I'm doing my part of the deal. But why me!

"You look like a mess, why is it for that ugly girl ew." I stood up and face her. Fear creeped up on her when she saw my face.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that, she's the most important part of me and more beautiful than you can ever be." I say and I storm out of the room I need to leave.

Gilinsky P.O.V

I look at my Angel and see her sadness she doesn't like Itzamary being hurt. Ugh fuck you Cam, why would you do this. However I know something is going on, something is hidden and I'm going to find out, but for now I'm going to comfort my love.

"Why doesn't she talk to me?" Gabbie says looking up at me her eyes full of sorrow. I hug her closer to me and sit her on my lap. She hugs me closer to her, I rub her back gently.

"Don't worry Matt is with her, she'll be fine,"

"Jack, I don't know what happened they are meant to be.. why did Cam do this?" I debate where I should tell her.. I debated on telling her.

"Angel, I think something is wrong here, I don't know but that's not Cam, I feel like something is hidden." I feel her lift her head off my shoulder and look at me.

"Do you think that maybe that bitch made him do something?"

"Well I have noticed that Cam hasn't had a smile in three weeks.. as soon as she came on tour with us... and to be honest I don't know why she came with us she doesn't do anything but cling on Cam."

Her face forms a frown and I know she's thinking real hard about this.

"Jack, we have to find out what's really going on.. please.." I grab her face and I desperately want to kiss her, but then I remembered she's not my girlfriend and I have to respect her for she not just anygirl, So I let my hands fall, and I could see she wanted me to kiss her. Oh Gabbs.

"Don't worry Angel,  we will. Let's go find Matt and Itzamary." I say picking her up bridal style and making her laugh as I spin her. That laugh and the smile is all I need to get along with life. She's all I need.. I hopefully don't mess anything up before I make her mine.

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