Fell (Anna x Mary)

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Day 1: Favorite ship | Anna Milton x Mary Winchester

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Anna lands with a metallic thud.

She's reminded, almost, of her fall to Earth, except this time with less hysterics, less fire. She feels disoriented until she remembers why she's here in Lawrence, Kansas in 1978.

A metallic taste fills her mouth, and she spits blood to the side, onto the hood of a car where she landed. She glances backward at the windshield. No driver, but a brick wall surrounds either side of the car, creating an alley.

"Hey," a voice says, not quite threatening, but not kind either.

Anna looks toward the street, where the daylight silhouettes the woman who spoke. When Anna blinks a few times, she can make out features of the woman—her blonde hair, her eyes that dart across the alley before landing on Anna again, the way she steps with caution and purpose into the darkened corner.

And, though Anna can't see it, she senses the knife in her pocket.

"Are you all right?" the blonde woman asks in a hushed voice, eyeing Anna warily.

Anna slides off the hood of the car and stumbles on her way down before rising to her feet. She examines the woman carefully this time, now that her eyes have adjusted to the light.

But she doesn't have to look to sense the familiar essence her soul bears, the same one that radiates from both Winchester brothers back in Anna's time.

"I'm Mary," the woman says hesitantly. "I'm going to help you, okay?"

Anna watches as Mary glances around the alley, searching, she assumes, for whatever slammed her onto a car.

For a moment, she considers pulling out her blade and ending it now.

"My name is Anna," she says instead.

She doesn't know if it's that she might not be able to fly in her weakened state or that there's something about Mary that she couldn't stand leaving her dead body in an alley.

Mary takes her to her house, where she sits Anna on a sofa in the living room.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Mary asks, handing her a steaming mug with a tea bag hanging over the rim.

"I fell," Anna answers.

Mary raises her eyebrows. "That was quite a fall."

Anna lets her eyes wander around the room, landing on the end table next to her, where a photo of Mary with a black-haired man sits in a frame.

"My husband, John," Mary explains, though Anna knows this. "He's at work right now."

Anna nods and resigns to staring into her green-tinged tea.

"Look, you don't have to talk to me if you don't want to," Mary says finally. "Is there someone I can call for you? A friend, maybe a family member?"

The first to come to mind is Castiel, but they didn't exactly part on the best terms.

She shakes her head no.

"Well, you're welcome to stay here the night if you'd like," Mary offers.

Anna looks up at her. "Thank you. I'd like that."

"Sure," Mary smiles and stands up. "I'll get out some sheets."

Anna takes a sip of her tea as she hears the departing footsteps.

"And Anna?" Mary calls from the doorway. "Whatever happened to you, no matter how weird it seems, you can tell me. I have an open mind."

Anna nods again. "Okay."

Mary turns to leave again, and Anna sighs.

How is she going to kill her?

Supernatural Femslash February 2019Where stories live. Discover now