Chapter 37

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Gabbie P.O.V

I shift on the bed and for a moment I'm scared of where I am then I remembered I'm in San Francisco with the boys. I get up from the bed and I look to Itzamary's bed. Last night she couldn't stop crying.. then sleeping next to her is Matt.. he was sharing a room with Nash and Cam but he didn't want to see him so we got a room and Matt crashed out with Itzamary. I need to talk to Cam, I grab my clothes and head to the shower.

Nash P.O.V

I sat on my bed looking at Cameron getting dressed and Joanna putting on her make up. She's a total whore, if only Cameron knew what she tried to do with me a week ago when he wasn't in. I would tell him but why bother he knows.

"I'm going to go get some breakfast want to come Cammy?" she says in a stupidly annoying voice, and Cammy? That sounds like a fucking disease.

"No." she tries to touch him but he glares at her and she just smirks and mouthed something to him like daddy or something.. Cameron tense up and then says.

"No love, I need to do something. You go ahead and eat breakfast I'll catch up later." he says through his teeth and she smirks and leaves. Cameron grabs the counter and just looks down. Something is up and I'm going to find out what it is.

"Why do you keep staring at me Nash?" he says looking at me through the mirror. Our eyes lock and all I see is misery.

"I'm debating if you're Cameron,  like the real Cameron."

"Stop being dumb Nash. Of course it's me." he says rolling his eyes. I laugh with no humor and shake my head. I get off the bed and go next to him.

"Why are you here? Why aren't you mad at me like everyone else?"

"Because you're my best friend. True, I'm mad but doesn't mean I'm going to leave you." he turns to me then he looks at Matt bed.

"Did Matt stay in Gilinsky room?" hm, should I tell him.. I should.. I need to see his reaction.

"No, he didn't stay with him."

"Then where did he go?" Cameron says slightly worried.

"He stayed with Itzamary. He said he was going to stay the night with her." I see anger come through him and I know he's about to explode.

"What the fuck man?! He can't be sleeping over with her?! Who does he think he is!! She's my girlfrie-"

"No, Joanna is your girlfriend. You have no right over Itzamary anymore." he looks at me and I can see as his eyes full of rage yet so much emptiness.

"What room are they in?"

"Cameron, why do you care.. you have and must I quote "the most beautiful, realest girl that completes you at your side"." I say quoting his words at last night concert. Cam grabs his cologne bottle that Joanna gave him and threw it to the wall and it's splattered glass and cologne everywhere and he ran out to the hallway.

Gabbie P.O.V

I was walking towards Jacks room when I see Joanna coming and she sees me. We stand neither of us moving and she sneers at me. Bitch I ain't afraid of you and I'm still taller than you even with your six inch heels.

"Well isn't it the ex's best friend. What are you still doing here.. shouldn't you have gone home by now. There is nothing here for you.." she sneers at me.

"That is none of your concern. I'm guessing you're the whore Cam has? " I say smiling sweetly at her.

"Oh, it's true I'm experience in that section.. why don't you ask your lover boy Gilinsky.. he quite knows exactly how good I can get.." I freeze and I refuse to believe her.

"Don't believe me.. well go ahead and ask him." she says with a bitchy smile and walks around me. I stay there standing when I see Shawn and Johnson coming out of the room. Meaning Gilinsky was alone, I need to talk to him now. I enter his room to find him just in his briefs shaving his face. He heard the door and he looks at me like if I was the best thing ever. But I need to let this out.. his smiles drops as he sees me crying he drops the razor and runs to me jumping for a suitcase.

"Angel what's wrong? Did someone hurt you?" he says confused and worried.

"Jack is it true, please tell me the truth.." he looks at me like he doesn't know what I'm saying.

"Is it true that you and Joanna had sex?!" and I watched as the color from his face fell and he froze.

"Gabbie I can explain.." So it's true.. he tries to reach for me.

"Don't touch me!" as I run out, no why! You thought he loved you yet.. he never did anything about it for two months. You're never anyone's first option. I can hear him running after me and calling me so I get into the janitor closet and lock the door I try hard to control my breathing when I hear him near the door cussing.

Then I heard him run back.. but why I'm I so upset.. he wasn't even my boyfriend. I stay in the dark closet crying debating whether I should leave and never come back..

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