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Unsympathetic, Ronan scratched at an old, brown scab beneath the five knotted leather bands he wore around his wrist. Last week, he and Adam had taken turns dragging each other on a moving dolly behind the BMW, and they both still had the marks to show it. (ch. 2) (Gansey POV)

"Hey, runt. What went down with Declan?"

This last part was directed at Adam as he climbed out of the BMW with Ronan's phone still in hand. He offered it to Ronan, who shook his head disdainfully. Ronan despised all phones, including his own. (ch.2)

Adam could be peculiarly polite. When he was uncertain about something, his Southern accent always made an appearance, and it was in evidence now. Adam never needed an invitation. He and Ronan must've fought. Unsurprising. (Ch. 2)

The former two were problematic only when they took time away from Aglionby, and the latter was only problematic when it was Ronan Lynch. Gansey had once told Adam that he was afraid most people didn't know how to handle Ronan. What he meant by this was that he was worried that one day someone would fall on Ronan and cut themselves. Sometimes Adam wondered if Ronan had been like Ronan before the Lynch brothers' father had died, but only Gansey had known him then. (ch. 4) (Adam POV)

Ronan's expression was still incendiary. His code of honor left no room for infidelity, for casual relationships. It wasn't that he didn't condone them; he couldn't understand them. (ch. 4)

Adam made a face. He felt it would take more than pizza to improve Ronan's character. (ch. 4)

By the end the meal, Ronan had picked off all his moving-dolly scabs and he would've picked off Adam's as well if he'd let him. (ch. 7) (Gansey POV)

"I convinced them not call the cops," Adam said. He was good at making things quiet. (ch. 7)

"Ronan's gone." Adam was quiet. It was not just that Ronan had vanished, it was that he had vanished after a fight with Declan. But it wasn't an easy thing to leave the Parrish household in the middle of the night. The consequences of getting caught could leave physical evidence, and it was getting too warm for long sleeves. Gansey felt wretched for asking this of him...."I'll check the park," Adam whispered finally. "And, uh, the bridge, I guess." (ch. 9)

[After Blue ask about his bruising] "Do you think it makes me look tougher?" ...Ronan said, "It makes you look like a loser." (ch. 15) (Blue POV)

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