Good Witch (Tasha x Mary)

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Day 4: Magic | Tasha Banes x Mary Winchester

Mary creeps down the hall, her gun in one hand and a compass-like object in the other

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Mary creeps down the hall, her gun in one hand and a compass-like object in the other. It's a British Men of Letters device that tracks witch activity. Mary followed the humming needle to the motel and now follows it down the hallway.

Finally, it points her to a door at the end of the hall.

She slips the device in her pocket and turns the knob to find it unlocked. Without a sound, she steps into the darkened room.

On the ground, a woman sits among an arrangement of candles, chanting something over them, her back to Mary.

Mary cocks her gun.

The woman's chanting ceases, and she raises her head.

"Hands," Mary commands.

She stands up and slowly turns around to face her. She seems unfazed by the weapon, her eyes studying Mary.

"Hands," Mary says again. "Now."

"I'm not who you think I am," the woman says calmly.

"You're not a witch?"

"I am," she says, "but not the one who killed those people in town."

Mary scoffs. "Right."

"I'm a good witch," she says.

"That's what they all say. Don't!" Mary warns as the woman moves.

Instead of stopping, she continues toward the couch and sits down.

"Please, have a seat, and we'll talk," she says. "My name is Tasha Banes."

Mary furrows her brows. "Tasha Banes?" She tests the familiar name on her tongue. "Max and Alicia's mom?"

Tasha nods. "You know my children?"

Mary relaxes, lowering her gun, and walks over to sit down next to Tasha. "We took out a pack of werewolves a couple months ago. I'm Mary Winchester."

Recognition flickers in Tasha's eyes. "They speak highly of you."

"They're sweet kids," Mary shrugs. She holds up the gun in her hand before tucking it in her jeans. "Sorry."

"It happens in this line of work," Tasha chuckles. "It does, however, seem like we've picked up the same case."

"It does," Mary nods. "I understand if you'd like to work it alone. I did just pull a gun on you."

"Bygones," Tasha says, waving a hand.

Mary laughs. "All right, then. What have you got so far?"

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