24 - Initiating

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Listen, kid,

I'm going to word this --

for you --

in a way that hasn't been 

so roughly spoken of before.

People won't talk to you first.

I'm certain

that, with that sentiment,

you're familiar.

You have to go out 

and make something of yourself. 

Often, this is said behind the guise 

of inspiring the shy 

to walk with a confident foot forward, 

but let's be real here-

If I'm a fallible, insecure person

and they are too --

the human condition 

being complex, ubiquitous -- 

then it should be obvious

that one reason,

often overlooked in motivational speeches,

is that 'other people' 

won't initiate initially 

because they have their heads

so far up their own asses, 

just like me. 

They are brittle, icy-

Fragile and bleak. 

Thus, if you want something

done right, you'll have to do it yourself

because the energies, 

of others, will be 

just as complacent and lazy.

You'll have to stand tall

and outdo the whole of humanity,

because the 'others' 

only love the outgoing 

because that is what they could only 

wish and/or dream 

of becoming. 

the Dawning of Rage (poetry)Where stories live. Discover now