Chapter 9

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(Y/n) POV
Valentine's Day is coming up and I never really celebrated it before but this year is different cause I have Raph now...right?
  Tiffany still hasn't woken up and I'm beyond scared. Leo took all my weapons... I mean all of it. My guns, knives, blades everything since he walked in on me covering my arms.
    Donnie became my therapist and he tried helping me cope but nothing worked. My mind was always else where. I've been getting angrier and more aggressive. I can't even fight correctly anymore.
   When I'm with Leo in the dojo I keep missing the target and I couldn't meditate because my mind was never there. I hang out with Mikey playing video games or dungeons and dragons but I was never focused . " y/n it's your turn" Mikey tried getting my attention. " huh... oh yeah right" and I'd play my turn but went back to being gone.
     April and Casey cane down more often now and Casey tried getting my mind off things by playing hockey. I was a completely different person then when they met me.
April tried using her mind powers or whatever to get in my head to try and help me focus. She never succeeded because something always kicked her out.
    I was always quiet pulling down my long sleeves. My depression has been getting worse. All I hear is screaming in my head. Telling me to die and no one loves me and that they are taking care of you because of pity and fear.
    I sat in the corner with my knees tucked in my chest and my headphones in listening to the Rhythm and the voices. I wore more and more dark clothing. I even started smoking and drinking when the guys went on patrol.

 I hid the bottles of whiskey in my room and cigarettes in the drawers of my dresser that I might've stole

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I hid the bottles of whiskey in my room and cigarettes in the drawers of my dresser that I might've stole. I went back to old habits. When I was on the surface I would steal from everyone.
   An hour later after staying in my room I heard the guys come back. I hid my whiskey and brushed my teeth trying to get the alcohol out of my breath. ' if they find out they would be mad at me'  I walked out to the living room and smiled warmly like nothing was wrong. I could tell they didn't buy my fake smile.
    Donnie went to check on Tiffany " she will wake up soon it's just a matter of time" I nod and hug him " thanks don" he hugged me tightly and went to the kitchen. Mikey was cooking pizza like usual. Raph went to the dojo and Leo followed both doing separate things.
   It was just me, myself, and I. I felt like cutting so I went to my room and did what Mikey told me what he does when he feels like this. He paints where he wants to cut.
   I took off my pants since my arms were badly damaged. I grabbed the paint brush and some paint and water and start painting my thighs. I was lost in the world of color. I didn't hear Mikey yell for dinner. I didn't hear Raph fighting Leo for whatever reason it is this time.
    I wasn't hungry anyway I just wanted to paint.

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