Chapter 38

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Nash P.O.V

I leave my room and I walk towards where they serve breakfast when I hear someone crying. Okay that's scary.. then I walk closer to the janitor closet and the crying became stronger. I open the door to find a Gabbie curled up in a ball crying.

"Gabbie! Oh jesus, what's wrong?" I ask her slouching down next to her. She wasn't responding she just crying her eyes out. So instead of insisting I picked her up bridal style and cradle her to my chest. What happened, why is she in a closet crying.. I walk back to the room and I struggle to open the door but I get it open. I enter still holding on to her I kick the door closed, I gently sit her down on my bed and I sit next to her. She grabs on to my arm muttering my name over and over.

"Gabbs, what's wrong?" I say removing her hair from her face tucking it behind her ear. There is she crying with tears rolling down her face yet she is so beautiful. 

"J-jack" she muttered out. Wait, they're dating? But he didn't say anything about them.. she laughs and I don't know why she's laughing.

"No we weren't dating.. we just had the relationship where we would call each other mine.. but I guess I was the only one being loyal." she says wiping her nose with her sleeve. So she found out about Joanna and Jack.. apperantly they had sex but Jack says that he honestly doesn't know because he was completely wasted that night. He doesn't remember anything,  I remember him being paranoid.. not wanting anybody to know when he would back then wanted the whole world to know he had anyone he pleased.. but now I know.. Gabbie..

"Nash do you know anything about this?" she says giving me her tear filled eyes. I sigh and I explain to her what happened that night.. she listen closely to each word.

"So yeah nobody really knows if they did or not.. worst part two days later she was all over Cam.. and now it's just I don't know." she stayed quiet.. blankly staring at the floor.

"Well I think they did.. we all know who he is.. plus he had nobody to hold him down.." she says choking the last few words. I know I shouldn't say this.. because she's in a weak state but this is how I will win..

"Nobody ever puts me first.. I'm always pushed to the side.. second option or not even an option.. if only.." that's when I know I would win her over.

"Gabbie, I know this hurts but you're always looking at the wrong guys.. you ignore the guys who just wants you and only you.. " I say looking at her.

"What do you mean?" she says looking confused, I grab her hand I put it against my chest where my heart was beating so fast from the nerves.

"This heart has been beating for you since I've meet you.. and I've been loyal to you since then too, but you don't notice me.. you're my first option.." I say in complete honesty letting my heart out on the table. Either she takes it or kills me off..

"Do you really like me Nash?"

"More than you know, but I never tried again because Jack.. but now you saw.. I'm loyal Gabbs.." I say while slowly inching in to kiss her.. She doesn't move so I kiss her. She doesn't react at first but then she kisses me back. I hold her closely to me and kiss her deeply as passionate as I can.. I stop to catch my breathe and so is she.. she looks at me quite suprised maybe because she kissed me.

"Give me a chance Gabbie, let me put you in the place you deserve.. to be the only one.." I say hoping she say yes. She looks at me and slightly bit her lip..

"No, I'm sorry I shouldn't ev-"

"I'll give you a chance." she whispers. I shut up and I'm in shock.


"I'll give you a chance, just help me forget.." she says almost crying again.  I nod and I stand her up. I feel the happiest man alive!

"Gabbie, you don't even know how happy you make me, and now that you've gaven me this chance i'll hope to make you happier than you have mad me right now, Gabbie, will you please do me the honor of being my one and only girlfriend?" I say happily as ever. She gives me a weak smile but nods. I hug her to me and spin her around. I know she's in love with Jack but I'll win her love over, soon enough she'll only love me and she won't ever want Jack again.

"Thank you Nash for always being her for me." she says tiptoeing and kissing my cheek. I know this is small steps but it will be worth it in the end. I offer her my hand and she shyly accepts it.

"I'm ready to show the world what a princess you are, babe you deserve the world." I say as we exit the room towards the breakfast area.

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