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August 08, 20XX- Friday

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August 08, 20XX- Friday

I stared out the bus window, enjoying the 20-minute peaceful ride before I'm dropped off at my personal hell for the weekend.

As I rode along, I couldn't help but have flashes of the constant arguing in my house go through my mind, causing my heart to ache.

If only I could just get away from it all.

I sighed as I tugged down the sleeves of my shirt to cover up the bruises on my arm, hoping no one had seen them.

I looked back out the window to realize I had a visit from my dear friend, the rain. 

Smiling, I listened to the music of the droplets hitting against the pavement. One after another, they followed each other's lead to the rhythm of the storm.

This is why I prefer rain over the sun.

My bus stopped at a station momentarily, where someone familiar caught my attention.

Right outside my window stood golden boy and while everyone rushed around to take cover from the rain, he welcomed it.

I watched as he tilted back his head, letting the rain graze against his skin.

I couldn't help but really stare at him, feeling protected by the glass dividing us.  

As the rain kissed his face, he gave a small little smile.  

Is it because he loves the rain?

My eyes moved from his smile to the rest of his face, noticing a couple bruises.

Or is it because the rain hides his tears?

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