23 - Marked by a demon, how beautiful

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Looking in the reflection of the mirror he could see that Bill had marked him. The mark was beautiful. It was a black triangle with ornate swirls around and through it. In the middle he could see stars, in the shape of his constellation, the big dipper. With tears running down his face, Dipper flung himself on Bill, wrapping his arms around Bills neck, and buried his face in Bills chest. "Thank you," Dipper cried. No one had ever given him something so full of meaning. Of course everything else that Bill had done was more than he had ever gotten from anyone. But this, a permanent mark, something that showed that Bill wanted Dipper, meant more to him than words could express.

Smiling shyly, Bill pulled back. Dipper was confused for a moment. Bill then pulled down the collar of his shirt. On the same spot that Bill had marked him, he had a mark himself. This mark was a pine tree with black swirls surrounding it as well as through it, the same way as Dippers triangle, and had a triangle in the top of the tree. This made Dipper sob.

Bill panicked, did he do something wrong. Was it wrong to do this? All his worries were silenced when Dipper lunged at him and kissed him with so much love. Bill was unresponsive for a minute, but when he got his bearings back, he kissed back with the same amount, maybe more, love that Dipper was investing into the kiss. Bill squeezed Dippers thighs, signalling that he should jump. And jump he did. Dipper wrapped his legs around Bills waist and broke the kiss. They both were panting, still high with the kiss. Dipper nuzzled Bills neck with his nose and just held on.

The moment lasted for another ten minutes, with Dipper held in Bills arms.

Dipper still couldn't believe it. Bill had basically just promised himself to Dipper, because that was what it was. Dipper had read up on demons since waking up from the coma.

When yee who shall find themselves marked by a demon, shalleth be counted as very lucky. Especially if the demon has marked himself in return. A demon can only mark a person who they find themselves to care deeply about. The mark appears on the left side of their chest, right underneath the collarbone, where the heart lies. It should represent each other with a beautiful design. This mark represents the demons devotion to the person, and if the demon also bears the mark, you'll live together in all of eternity.

The mark couldn't be removed, without a whole ritual, which was painful for the demon.

"Now we will be together for all of eternity Pinetree." Bill smiled and held onto Dipper tighter. It had taken Bill several days to consider this. Was he going to give his whole soul to Dipper or not? In the end the answer was clear. Dipper was the first and only person he had cared for this much. Bill sat them down on the edge of the bed and started stroking Dippers head with his left hand. Dipper looked up at him and smiled that beautiful smile of his, eyes still watery. Contemplating this, Bill had gone over the possibility that Dipper could hate this and hate Bill, but the positive thoughts won out.

Dipper had often talked about how he didn't feel a part of something other than himself, and about how Bill had helped him with this. Dipper had also expressed how he would love to spend the rest of eternity with Bill.

Dipper put his hand on Bills face and cradled his left cheek. Bill smiled and lifted his right hand and placed it over Dippers new mark. They smiled at each other and revelled in the tranquillity of the moment. 

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