✸I wouldn't mind✸

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🌸CHAPTER SONG- I wouldn't mind- He is We🌸


Most of the guesses were between Cam and Taylor it's neither of them😏

You'll find out who it is in this 😁



I sit down on the couch that is in the dressing room and my thoughts are instantly filled with him. His light brown hair, and light blue eyes instantly make me smile. "I love you-" I say out loud, but stop as Carter walks in the room. "Shawn can you at least give us a hint on who it is?" Carter begs me, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. "Did Matt send you to ask that?" I say in amusement, he nods his head. "I'm not going to say who it is." I say, smirking at him. "Damn it Shawn." Carter says, pouting as he turns and walks out.

I get up and walk towards Matt's changing room. "MATTHEW LEE!" I shout as I enter the room, he looks up, startled, from his phone. "Yea Shawn?" He asks me, his hazel eyes staring into my brown ones. "If you want to know who I like come here." I say, he jumps up and takes three steps to stand in front of me. I bend down to whisper into his ear. "I like----" I'm cut off by Taylor and Cam running down the hall screaming something about a spider in someone's soda. "Maybe another time." I tell Matt, he nods and grabs my hand and pulls me towards the room Cam and Taylor just ran from. I feel nothing as I hold Matts hand. "Shawn." He says, the boy I love. "Ye-yeah?" I say to him, dropping Matt's hand as he eyes them wearily. "I wanted to know if you've seen JJ he has my phone charger." He says in his amazing voice. "Last I saw him, he was with Gilinsky and they were talking to Bart." I say, pointing in the direction of the stage entrance. "Thanks Shawnie." He says, walking past me and smiling at me over his shoulder. I sigh and walk into Taylor's empty dressing room, pulling Matt with me.

"TAYLOR CANIFF I'M GOING TO MURDER YOU!" Cam shouts, I hear Taylor's loud laugh from the room I'm in. "Chill dude it was just a jo-" He stops as he sees me and Matt in his changing room. "Hey Shawn, hey Matt." He says, walking towards Matt and I. "What's up?" He asks us. "Next Magcon I want to tell you all who it is I like." I say quietly, Taylor makes a noise of approval. "Do you want me to tell the rest of the boys? Or would you rather tell them right now?" Taylor asks me. "Can you call them in here?" I ask quietly, he nods. "GUYS GET YOUR ASSES IN MY CHANGING ROOM RIGHT NOW!" He shouts, sticking his head out if the door way. All the boys file in, my eyes find him immediately. "I'm going to announce who I like next Magcon." I say in the same voice I used before. "That's great Shawn." They say, then they all wrap their arms around me.


Today's the day. The day I reveal my love. The day that could make or break my friendship with him. Nash calls me out on to stage. I grab my guitar which is next to me, and run through the isle of barricades, the only thing besides security blocking the hoard of loving fans from us. I wave at a few of them. I preform after we all goof off and have an amazing time. "Before we leave Shawn has a very important announcement to make." Taylor says into his mic, I nod my head, walking towards the microphone stand at the front of the stage.

"I can't really put this into words, so I'm going to sing it out." I say, nervously. "Mahogany can you please put on I wouldn't mind?" I ask her, she nods her head and types it in her laptop. I hear the beginning of the song and singing it.

'Merrily we fall

Out of line, out of line

I'd fall anywhere with you

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