Part 7(Depression)

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When the rewards of life begin to lose their luster,

When you have no more energy left to muster

When you begin to think of deppressing thoughts

When you change your can's to cannot's

Then you decide to finally

to hang yourself by the rope

But, just barely before you die

You can hear the demons gloat

For all you bullies out there

who chip at away at someone's will

when they slit their wrists

have you had your fill?

Suicide is quite obviously no laughing matter

It is quite easy to get overwhelmed

by problems and insulting chatter

It is easy to break someone

without you even being aware

Just a bit of taunting

can make it seem like you don't care

Can you live with yourself after that

Have an easygoing chat

knowing full well the blood on your hands

will never be cleansed; only stained on your pants

Can you live with yourself knowing full well

You have just damned 2 souls in hell?

(Dedicated to those who have committed suicide, and those who contemplated it. Stay strong, you always have a reason to live)

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