14. Back to the Burrow.

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After a few hours you had woken up, packed up and left to get the early Portkey. When you finally reached the Burrow, you could hear Mrs Weasley's voice. "Oh, thank goodness, thank goodness!" She ran up to you all holding a copy of the daily prophet in her hand. "Arthur, I've been so worried." She threw her arms around Mr Weasley and turned to all of you "you're alright, you're alive... Oh, boys..." she turned to the twins and grabbed them so tight that they looked like they would turn purple.

"Ouch! Mum, you're strangling us..."

"I shouted at you before you left! It's all I've been thinking about! What if You-Know-Who had got you, and the last thing I ever said to you was that you didn't get enough O.W.Ls? Oh, Fred... George..." It was kind of adorable to see how much Mrs Weasley cared for her children, even if she did nearly strangle them.

"Come on, now, Molly, we're all perfectly ok, Bill, pick up that paper I want to see what it says..." They spoke about the daily prophet and... urgh... Rita Skeeter... It resulted in Mr Weasley having to go back to the Ministry to help out, since he felt he made things worse.

"Mrs Weasley, Hedwig hasn't arrived with a letter for me, has she?" Harry asked.

"Hedwig, dear? No... no, there hasn't been any post at all."

Harry noticed the quizzical looks Ron and Hermione gave him and said, "Alright if I go and dump my stuff in your room, Ron?"

"Yeah, think I will too... Hermione?"

"Yes," she replied quickly as they left the kitchen to go upstairs. You knew this could be your chance to get into the loop and gain the golden trio's trust... so...

"Umm... I think I might go as well... see if Hermione needs rescuing from... boy talk" you made up on the spot following the footsteps Harry, Ron and Hermione took. When you got to the door to the attic room you heard them talking.

"It was only a dream, just a nightmare." Ron said.

"Yeah, but was it though?" Harry asked and you saw your chance and took it.

"What was just a dream?" You said dramatically, scarring the three people as you opened the door.

"(Y/n)!" Harry said alarmed. "How much did you hear?"

"Pretty much um... all of it," you lied but you knew exactly what they were talking about, so it wasn't a terrible lie.

"You know eavesdropping isn't very polite." Ron snapped.

"Aha, look who's talking how many times have you three listened into a conversation. Look, I don't want any trouble, I just want to be a part of this. Plus, Dumbledore already told me everything that you guys have been through, so I might as well be in the loop."

"Okay, I trust you, I don't know why, but I get the feeling that you want to help us. But you can't tell anyone, it stays between the four of us. Deal?" Harry asked as Hermione nodded, although Ron still seemed hesitant.

"I promise." You said extending a hand to Harry.

"Okay, we'll tell you, (Y/n). So, for now on you're involved." Harry said getting ready to backtrack a little. "But I am serious, because it's weird, isn't it...? My scar hurts, and three days later the Death Eaters are on the march, and Voldemort's sign's up in the sky again."

"Don't... Say... His... name!" Ron insisted.

"And remember what Professor Trelawney said? At the end of last year?"

"Oh, Harry, you aren't going to pay any attention to anything that old fraud says?"

"You weren't there, you didn't hear her. This time was different. I told you, she went into a trance... A real one. And she said the dark lord would rise again... Greater and more terrible than ever before... And he'd manage it because his servant was going to go back to him... And that night Wormtail escaped."

"Why were you asking if Hedwig had come, Harry?" Hermione said breaking the silence. "Are you expecting a letter?"

"I told Sirius about my scar; I'm waiting for his answer."

"Good thinking! I bet Sirius'll know what to do!" Ron said.

"But we don't know where Sirius is... He could be in Africa or somewhere, couldn't he? Hedwig's not going to manage that journey in a few days."

"Yeah, I know." Harry started to look a bit glum.

"Come and have a game of Quidditch in the Orchard, Harry, come on three on three, Bill, Charlie and Fred and George will play... You can try out the Wronski Feint..." Ron said in an attempt to cheer his best friend up.

"Ron, Harry doesn't want to play Quidditch right now... He's worried, and he's tired... We all need to go to bed..." Hermione said irritated by Ron's lack of sensitivity.

"Yeah, I want to play Quidditch. Hang on, I'll get my Firebolt, you can come too, (Y/n) consider this your first lesson."

"Okay..." You said half excited and half unsure what to do. Hermione walked away muttering under her breath but couldn't quite make it out. Once Harry had got his Firebolt and you had rounded up the other boys for a game, you were ready. It was a lot of laughs. Every so often Harry would stop to look at you, sat on the dry grass, to explain what had happened. But every time he did it made either one of the twins try and hit him or knock him off his broom in some way.

"Okay, (Y/n), now that was called a..." Harry was knocked upside down by one of the twins. When he had finally composed himself, he realised it was George. "Hey, that's not fair we're supposed to be on the same team!" Harry yelled flying after George who could not stop laughing. It wasn't long until all thoughts of Quidditch flew out the window. And before you knew it, they were on the ground, chasing each other including yourself. It was so much fun, that was how you imagined life in the Harry Potter world to be like, a load of fun with some idiotic boys...

Harry Potter and The Girl Who Knew {year 4} (A George Weasley & Harry X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now