35 - Robert Zussman

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July 26, 1944
Marigny, France

I had managed to hold myself together as I waited for a medic to come to tell me that Y/N was gonna be okay. At least I hoped to hear those words. I was worried sick as I sat on the ground near a large house that was still surprisingly holdin' up where the medics were takin' care of the wounded.

I was becomin' restless, waitin' for anybody to come out of there. The other guys had been waitin' with me for a while, but eventually went off together to find a place to rest. They told me to come let them know of any news I find out once I'm told anythin'.

I sometimes forget that those in my platoon can still have their lives taken by the war. I get so used to bein' around 'em, I forget about the possibility that they could be taken away from this world so quickly, includin' myself. It's not nice to think about that possibility, but it's there in the shadows for all of us.

I was feelin' pretty filthy after the mission we had completed today. My uniform was covered in debris from all the explosions. When I ruffled my hair, I watched as the debris fell to the ground like snow. Since I had nothing to do, I got up and gave myself a good dusting.

When I sat back down, I took a look at my hands. They still had Y/N's blood on 'em, all dried up now, from me tryin' to stop her bullet wound from bleedin' out. Stiles had helped me and together, we had slowed down the bleedin' for the medics. I had been scared the whole time I was tryin' to help her, but when the medics took her away in a stretcher, that's when I really got scared. I was left wonderin' if she'll be dead or alive the next time I see her.

I lit myself a cigarette to try and calm myself down. As I took a puff, I started hearing footsteps and spotted Stiles walkin' over to me. He sat down next to me and placed a tin of beans in front of me.

"You might not have an appetite, but you should get something in your system," he said.

"Thanks, college."

I flicked away my cigarette before grabbing my spoon from my bag. I ate slowly as we sat in silence. Eventually, Stiles spoke up.

"Maybe it's not the right time to talk about this, but it's been bothering me and I feel I have to tell you," he said, lookin' kinda nervous. "I-I know there's something going on between you and L/N."

"Is it really that obvious?"

"I haven't heard the other guys talk about it. Just the usual joke about you eyeing L/N from Aiello," Stiles said, "Back at basic, I let my curiosity get the best of me and when I asked her about you two, she told me she liked you. She had always been a good friend to me and I guess you could say I felt like I needed to repay her, so I offered to help her if she needed it. Since then, she's occasionally come to talk to me about you."

"I have a big mouth, but not even I was able to tell anyone about my feelings for her. You're a good person, Stiles, and I'm glad she trusted you enough to tell ya. I respect the fact you didn't go off tellin' everybody," I told him, "Was she okay while I was gone? I hope me bein' gone didn't stress her out."

"Well, she was more so worried. Mainly because we all didn't know if you were going to return to our platoon. She was scared she was never going to see you again."

"Yeah, and now I'm back and this happens to her," I let out a sigh, "I seem to forget I'm in a war a lot lately. Even when I was restin' up, I was so eager to get back to you all, especially her. I had the chance to be out of the war for eight weeks, but I chose to come back early."

"Maybe it's because you have a good feeling about her. She makes you happy so you just forget about all the bad things around you," Stiles suggested, "But what do I know? I'm not the best when it comes to girls."

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