IX - Limerence

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IX - Limerence

the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a sexual relationship.


They stopped at a rundown amusement park. Jess looked around her. It was creepy. The swings were swinging by its own, the ground were puddles of dirt and other trash she won't even name, the horses' faces on the carousel were staring at them as if daring them to step inside the gate, it was straight out of a horror story.

Funny how this all went from romantic to horrifying.

"If you're going to kill me then let me clap for you first. You've found a good spot to hide my body, no one will ever come here."

Noah laughed. Yes, the place looked creepy but this wasn't the place he was going to bring her.

Jess looked at him. First time seeing him laugh. She felt a bubble of pride in her chest, she was the reason why he was smiling. "What's so funny? I won't let you kill me, not without a fight."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." He pat her head. "Not yet." And he walked off smiling, leaving her.

She let out a gasp. So he was planning on killing her after all. She still followed him though, like a lost puppy trailing after a stranger.

"Where are we going?" She caught up to him. "And can you slow down a bit, I have short legs."

Noah stopped, smiling at her little complain. "Stay beside me at all times. Wild animals often come here." He tried to scare her.

Jess, scared and alarmed glued herself to Noah.

The only animal here was him. Him and his little ways. Noah thought briskly.

Soon after they reached a door. Its hinges were covered in rust, leaving it ajar. To Jessica it almost looked like it screamed and gaped it's mouth in horror. Whatever lies inside that door, she didn't want to know.

"U-uhm. Maybe it's a wise move to go home."

"Are you scared?" Is it that obvious? She was trembling inside. The place is an abandoned amusement park and it already looked like it was straight out of a horror movie, she didn't want to know what was behind the gaping door. It was too dark to make out of anything.

"No." She lied through her teeth. "I just don't feel good about this."

Noah hesitated. It was clear that she was scared. He knew this was all too new and too fast for her, he was still basically a stranger and he didn't blame her for not trusting him. It's her choice either to go ahead or go home.

"We're already here but it's up to you if... " He let his statement hang.

Jess oddly found courage, Noah was with her. It's not like he was going to really kill her despite what he said. She knew he would never do anything to harm her. And he was right, they're already here, he waited for her afterall.

"No, I want to go." She decided.

Noah smiled. That's my girl.

"Okay. Follow me."

He went in first. The door creaked as he opened it to accommodate his size. When he was at the other side of the door, he let out his hand for Jessica.

She held it with no hesitation. A protruding rock caught her feet making her stumble. She let out a squeal of surprise waiting for the impact of the grassy ground. But Noah caught her and held her tight. His hand went around her waist and he was scared he would break her. She felt so fragile, so delicate and soft.

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