Justice Gone Wrong

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Oli's POV

Simon: "Don't you think you should talk to someone about that though?"

Josh: "Isn't he doing it right now?"

Oli: "I'm here right? I'm here talking to you boys about this issue I'm dealing with... That counts as talking to someone about it."

Simon: "I meant a professional?"

Harry: "Vik literally has a degree in this, you can see by the way he's looking at Oli how deep in thought he is in... He's analyzing it now."

Vik: "What?"

Harry: "See."

JJ: "I don't see the big deal about this, I'd probably do the same thing in his shoes."

Oli: "Why does that terrify me."

JJ: "Because right now, you are masking your pain with false hope. Oli you have every right to be depressed and emotionally unstable. You've lost both of your parents, Your boyfriend here has not long recently been out of Hospital as well, if anything I think even Simon would completely understand if you were angry at him too."

Oli: "I was, but here's the thing Jide, I also know that nothing can stop these things. The accident was bad but at the end of the day, we were completely safe, followed all of the road rules, and the guy is behind bars for a long time... I made sure of that."

Simon: "God that was hot when you delivered the evidence so hard."

Ethan: "It was pretty impressive."

Tobi: "Yes and Mr King do you have the ability to refute these claims?"

Ethan: "And then bam the motherfucker drops files on the bench in front of the judge, smiles, opens one and then walks off. Ten minutes later the judge looked over at the driver and said he had no defence. The trial went quite smoothly after that."

Vik: "He didn't have a defence before, he was driving drunk and was found with illicit drugs in his car."

Josh: "Wait are we allowed to talk about cases outside of work?"

Vik: "If a case is not on going and has finished up, then yeah because no new information can sway anyone else's opinion, hence why we had to wait for Simon to be better before he could testify and talk to police. Unfortunately for Oli, and I told him this as well, That without his parents, it would be hard to get an actual recount of how it happened."

Harry: "Have to give you credit Oli, you seem pretty OK on the outside."

Oli: "Thanks Harry, but remember I've just lost both my parents in one swoop, and almost lost my own life and boyfriend, on the outside I can play it off no problem. On the inside however I'm a mess but I'm sure you all understood that already."

Harry: "Yeah, sorry I didn't mean it like..."

Oli: "It's OK Harry I understood what you meant."

With Dinner still going, I tried to change the topic and was thankfully successful, getting Ethan and JJ to talk about their fitness while Simon stuck close to me. While yes we were thinking about breaking up before this, we both understand that if we were to do it, then we would likely both not be in a good place. So we decided instead of breaking up, that we would put more effort into our relationship and emphasis on spending time alone with just us. So far in the past three weeks, it's working out well I think but I'm worried that might just be me attaching myself to something to take my mind off my parents.

Josh: "Oli?"

Oli: "Hm?"

Ethan: "Vik needs to go by the office real quick and the police escort is here for you two."

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