⌜ twenty three ⌟

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donghyuck stared lovingly at the lion plushie for hours now. completely ignoring the paperworks that were given to him, he found the lion plushie much more important than his own job.

oh mork.❞ so his dumb self decided to name the lion plushie 'mork' since it was mark who gave it to him.

he then sighed dreamily as he caressed the lion plushie as if it was very delicate. he then got startled when someone opened the door to his office, causing him to quickly sat straight up and pull out his very intimidating (still cute) look. the door opened fully and showed a figure of the baby. donghyuck then cooed at the baby who's holding the macaroon plushie while struggling to close the door and then went to him after that.

who brought you here baby?❞ donghyuck asked, wondering why and how chan got here when he usually hangs out with his older friends at that specific department.

uncle jae.❞ chan made grabby hands to his papa and donghyuck happily carried him up and placed him down to his lap.

why?❞ donghyuck pouted when he saw a frown on the baby's face.

the baby played with the macaroon plushie before saying something, ❝uncle suh and uncle ten shouting.❞ the baby then looked up to his papa, ❝very scary.

shouting? well, donghyuck did saw ten's look when he went to visit them at their department to leave the baby there while he focuses on his work, which he only spent his hours in staring and admiring the lion plushie. ten was so pissed and donghyuck was about to question his mood but decided not to since ten looked like he was about to punch anyone that talks to him.

papa, i heard them talk about baby.❞ chan went back to playing with the macaroon plushie amd then hugging it. ❝uncle ten have baby?

donghyuck somehow understood that but made everything more confusing, which is why donghyuck planned not to talk about it since it's not their problem and they shouldn't be getting involved in this. ❝baby, you want to meet a lion?

the baby's face then lit up. ❝lion? where?

donghyuck moved the lion plushie where in the baby can see clearly and giggled when the baby jumped in happiness. he held his macaroon plushie tight on the other hand and the other he squished the lion plushie.

hey lion, want to eat?❞ the baby raised his macaroon plushie and pointed it towards the lion plushie.

his papa then furrowed his brows and then snorted, ❝i don't think lions eat macaroons, chan.

i told you he was pregnant.

jungwoo raised a brow as he turned to yuta beside him while gripping at the door knob to the security room. ❝and you're telling me this because?

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