gay homos

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it was just a normal day, the sun was shining, birds were chirping, and two gay homos fucking. REEEEEE screamed a child trying to go to bathroom. MOM HELP said the kid crying for his mom.
the mom being a slut came rushing over to, see two gay furries in fur suits fucking they're brains out,
WHaT ThE FuCk screamed the mom to the top of her lungs.
Unh Oh Fuck Yeah said both the gay furries in sync.
Get The Fuck Away said the gay furry receiveing the extream pounding.
The mom covering her sons eyes walked away.
911 whats your emergency said the operater over the phone.
THeRE ARe TwO GaY fURries fUcKiNg in the BatHroom at THE PARK screamed the mom in destress.
no worry ma'am ill be there soon said the operater.
what park?
911 was inside job the movie the park said the mom.
okay will be there in 10 seconds.
*serins wailing*
FBI OPEN UP said the FBI.
oh fuck said one of the gay furries.
as the FBI breaks open the door, both of the furries cum at the same time, in sync.
You're both under arrest.

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