water park

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Kara's POV

"what bathing suit are you gonna wear?" asks luna laying down on my bed.

"i think this one," i say, holding up a black two piece.

"i love it!"

"what are you gonna wear?" i ask back.

"um, idon't know..probably my black and white striped one piece," she replies.

"oh i love that one!"

i put on a skaterade t-shirt (They sell a shirt version but I can't find a pic of it) and shorts over my bathing suit and walk down the stairs to greet the boys. i get down the stairs and the same girl that my brother was talking to at school is sitting on the couch. "who is that?" i whisper to luna.

"how the heck am I supposed to know, you dummy?!" she whisper-yells back.

"hey sis, this is ana. she's joining us for the day at the water park," nate says while looking back from me to ana.

"oh! nice to meet you! I'm kara, nate's little sister. which i guess you figured out by now," i say to ana with a giggle.

"it's nice to meet you too!" she replies with a smile.

"well, are we gonna leave or not? cause i'm ready to go!" exclaims sammy.

"calm down sammy. geez, it's not the end of the world," i say with a laugh.

at the water park

"woah" "it's so tall" "oh my", was only a few of the things heard from our group. this water park was awesome!

"we should go to the wave pool," suggests jack.

"i'm going to the lazy river," says sammy, walking away.

"i'll go, i love the wave pool," i say.

"ohmy gosh! that was probably the scariest wave pool i've ever been in," i say, trying to catch my breath. i got turned upside down and did a backflip underwater. jack had to basically be superman and save me.

"agreed. it was quite terrifying, the waves were like 12 feet high!" exclaims jack.

i gasp loudly as i see one of my favorite things ever. "jack, they have a cotton candy stand!"

"calm down! you don't have to jump up and down, it's just cotton candy. we can get some."

j sit patiently while jack gets my cotton candy, but the second he hands it to me i scream.

jack jumps higher than humanly possible and says "kara, don't ever do that again. that scared the living crap out of me."

"sorry," i say innocently and continue eating my cotton candy.

later that day

it is getting dark out and one of the workers said that they do fireworks. jack and i meet back up with the rest of our group and head to find some food. we find a nice little hotdog stand and a spot to watch the fireworks. as I'm watching the fireworks, i notice Jack looking at me.

"why are you looking at me?" i whisper to him so no one would notice.

"i'm j-just looking at the fireworks. n-not you," he nervously replies

"oh okay ," i reply continuing to watch the fireworks.

in the car on the way home

"i'm hungry!" i half scream, leaning over the console to get closer to my brother's ear.

"how? you ate like 2 tons of cotton candy," jack replies with a giggle.

"so!? i still want more food."

"okay, i'll stop at the nearest taco bell," nate replies getting off at the exit.

"YAY!" i scream, giving Luna a high five because taco bell is our favorite restaurant of all time.

at taco bell

"can i get a cheese quesadilla, a fiesta potato bowl, and a large dr. pepper please?" i say to the taco bell worker. he is a tall, pale boy with greenish-blue eyes and messy brown hair. his name tag says finn. what a cute name, i think to myself. he looks to be around my age.

"but can i get your number?" he shoots back.

i immediately blush and go blank.

"kara..hello!...earth to kara.." i blink my eyes as i see Johnson waving his hand in-front of my face.

"oh! you can have my number as long as I get my food."

"deal," he says, a light smirk appearing on his face.


"johnson! get your crusty hands off my Louis Vuitton sweatshirt!" i hear luna scream as she smacks johnson's hand.

"are you okay? you seem distant since the guy,"jack whispers to me.

"yeah. i'm fine, just thinking," i reply, giving him a slight smile.


"here's your food my dudes," says finn, "now for your number, sweetheart."

" that sweetheart has a name," says nate in an angry tone.

"and who might you be?"

"i'm her brother, you jerk. so you might wanna leave my sister alone," exclaims nate, becoming more furious by the second.

"or what, you won't leave a tip?" laughs finn.

"oh, i'll do more than not leave a tip," nate growls, getting up out of his seat.

nate grabs finn by his collar and slams him into the wall. all i see before shoving my face into jack's arm is my brother punching finn in the nose.  it's so sad to see such a beautiful face be destroyed.

"come on, get on my back. i'll carry you to the car," i hear jack whisper into my hair.

i cuddle up next to luna when i get in the car. jack sits next to me though and when i wake up, i'm wrapped up in his arms. what a great feeling this is.

hope you enjoy it! it's kinda long but that's what i was going for. :) also mister nate is a lil aggressive oof

editors note:
Beep beep le editor was here

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